Girl Talk

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Chapter 21

Laney's POV.

When I was putting on my jammy's, I seen Jade's name pop up on my screen. Then I heard Kathy's excited voice.

"You guys! It seems like we haven't done this in forever!"

"I know right." said Jade.

"We have half an hour! Let's get this shit going!" I said laughing.

"Okay, Kathy where the hell were you today."

"You guys no about my parents right?"

"Yeah!" we said together.

"Well I asked Josh to skip school with me today. And he did. And we had a great time acting like big children, it got me out of my funk!"

"That's great! Are your parents there now?" Nope they're going to do something , I don't know. They won't be back till 8 ㏘ tomorrow! "

"Your excited? "

"YAP! Make out time for me and my Joshy!" I laughed.

"Cool, I think."

"Haha. Yes! It's very cool!" We spent the rest of our times talking about how everyone relationships were going. Everyone was so good together. We even talked about my brothers relationship. We talked about the night of formal, and it was so fun to have girl time. But then everyone had to go.

*Another short Chapter *

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