My Sickness.

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Chapter 23

Kathy's POV

I woke up puking everywhere last night. I had a restless sleep, and it was the worst thing ever. I didn't know had came over me. My head was dizzy, and my stomach felt like it was sinking down into my legs, which felt weird. My stomach, in my legs, ok, whatever. I hand't felt so bad since I had a very bad virus. I decided not to call my mother, I mean they would see me tonight. I called Josh instead.

"Hey," I couldn't even speak right. My voice was weak, and it felt like I was about to pass out. "Jo- Josh." My words came out slurred and unsteady. Josh's voice had a lot of concern in it.

"Kathy, what's wrong." I could barely bring myself to talk, it felt like I was actually blacking out.

"Can you come over before school?" Before I even told him bye, I heard him in his car on his way over. Josh new where we kept our extra key, so he could let himself in. 10 minutes later Josh showed up in gym shorts and a white t-shirt.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I-" My words were slow, and unsteady. "I don't know really." my voice now in almost a whisper. Then I blacked out.


Josh's POV

I was scared and shaky, she was laying there lifeless when I dialed 9-1-1 . When they picked up I basically screamed into the phone. They were over in less than 10 minutes. I was glad I called the people who actually worked. They wouldn't let me in the ambulance, because of her condition. I was questioned, and I told them how she had called me with an unsteady voice, and about how I'd seen the throw-up on the sid eof her bed. I found my heart racing, at an unhealthy speed. I tried to calm myself. I called everyone of our friends, I followed the ambulance, and I was right behind it. When we pulled up to the hospital, I found the closest parking spot. I sat there for a minute and I found a tear fall out of my eyes. I quickly whiped it away. 'Big boys don't cry' I heard my father's voice, and I thought about that saying. Which now made tears stream down myy face. I guess this girl really meant something to me. When I finally got myself together, I heard a knock on my window. I've been sitting in my car for atleast 15 minutes thinking, and I hadn't noticed. When I hopped out of the car, sleep still in my face Laney was standing there.

"I dropped Chance of at school and left school as soon as you called." I could tell she had concern in face.

"Thanks." I said with the best smile I could put on. "Where's Sammy?"

"He said he would be here after 3rd period, he has this really big test he's been chosen to take."

"Okay then, let's go find Kathy." She grabbed my hand and we walked into the hospital. When we walked up to the counter, there was a cute blonde nurse sitting behind the counter. She looked as if she had just stepped out of medical school.

"Hi there cutie, how may I help you." her voice came somewhat annoying to me, and aggrivated Laney.

"We're looking for his GIRLFRIEND'S room." I pushed Laney away from the counter and smiled at her. The nurse rolled her eyes.

"Name please."

"Kathy Smith" I finally spoke. Laney stood in the back with her arms crossed as the nurse still stared me down. I think she was doing this intensionally to irritate Laney, who had no patience at all.

"308, on the 4th floor." she smiled at me.

"Thank you." I said walking away quickly. Laney let out a huff.

"I can't stand whores you know?" I laughed at her.

"We know Laney."

When we walked into the room Kathy wass laying there with things hooked up to her pumping what looke like goo out of her.

"Josh do you know what's wrong with her?" Laney's voice was shaking, and she held back her tears. I pulled her over to me and she cried her eyes out, until the doctor came in. We both jumped up and bombarded him with questions.

"Well Ms. Smith here had a lot of alcohol in her system. and the alcohol was the reason for the vomiting, and stomach pains. That's what that machine is pumping out of her. She had a couple of medication in her system as well. She blacked out because of a small knot on her brain. We could figure out that it was just now forming, these usually come from stress, Now are you her mate, bestfriend?"

"Bestfriend and boyfriend." Laney spoke up, I was lost at words that Kathy would do this to herself.

"Okay, does she have anything going on in her life, you know that could have caused this?"

"Her parents. . . " I said almost in a whisper.

"What about them Josh?" asked Laney.

"They're divorcing. . . " the words were slow and quiet, when I glanced over at Kathy's lifeless body. Laney's mouth basicaally dropped open.

"This could be it . We're going too run somee more test, and if she's clear, she can go home tomorrow morning"

"Thank you." Laney said. We both sat on the side of Kathy's bed, it seems like we've been here forever, but I wasn't leaving her side until I heard he voice again, and clearly.

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