Can You Please Leave Me Alone!

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Chapter 32

Laney's Pov

Some way to start my Friday. I woke up hanging off Chance's bed, I'd have to admit. I slept pretty bad, but gosh, chance slept horribly. I pick his foot off of my butt, yeap this was just like childhood. I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom. I stared at myself, I looked like I had slept in sweat, but it was a good sleep.

"Sis, can you throw me a towel, im out." I threw him a towel and decided to take another show. I wasn't taking any chances going to school a sweaty mess. It took me a while to comb out my hair and I was satisfied about how I looked today. I wore some gray ashy skinny jeans, with a black fitted body shirt, and threw on a pair of my vans I had gotten some weeks ago. They were black with dabs of gray and white in them, I adorded them. I had my hair done in my same bob, and just light lip gloss. I didn't care for make-up at times. I got my casual look I was going for, and soon headed downstairs and ate breakfast with Chance. Soon enough we were out the door. We got in my car and before we pulled away I had to blast Unorthodox Jukebox. I love Bruno Mars.

"PLEASE! NO! I'd rather to that boy band One Direction you listen to. Okay I'm lying, but please Cut this off!" He reached for the volume dial. I slapped his hand.

"No touchie!"

"UGH!" When we finally pulled away and turned a corner, Chance decided to change my CD. And I didn't wanna have a car wreck, so I guess he won.

"You little fucker! " The CD had changed to Chris Brown. The first song that played was Don't Wake Me Up.

"Love you too." I shot him a death glare, and he just sat there dancing like the idiot he is. Now it was my turn to go UGH! But I didn't mind the music. It wasn't exactly my morning music though. When I pulled up to Chance's school. He waved bye and got out. I turned Cut the music up a bit louder, and back to my Bruno Mars. With that I pulled away, and and drove to school singing time myself.


Sammy POV

I sat in my car realizing I got to school a bit early today. I waited for a sign of somebody I talked to. So I just sat in my car scrolling up and down my Twitter feed. Then I heard music before I saw a car, I looked around confused and then seen Laney's car pulling in the parking lot. I laughed and walked over when she parked her car.

"Excuse me young lady, there is no loud music on this campus." I said in a goofy voice.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was that loud!" she played along.

"Detention at my house all week! No Christmas for you." I said pulling her out of her car.

"What if I feel the urge to skip?"

"Well, that punishment is not decided yet." I said and she laughed. She reached and kissed my cheek. "You look purty!"

"Oh Thanks, I was going for this casual look. " she said stopping and doing some what of a model pose.

"You would make an awesome model. " I said laughing.

"Oh. I know."

"Girls cannot take. compliment. " I said laughing and wrapping my arm around her.

"Okay, okay fine. Thank you so much Sammy."

"Your so welcome. " I said poking her nose. We seen everybody was walking to class, so I let her go, amd walked to class. "Bye sweetness."

"Bye babe." I still wondered where everyone else was. My class was all the way on the other side of school, that's why I couldn't walk Laney to class today. I was walking up the stair and when I turned the corner something pulled in the closet. I couldn't react because I was pulled off guard. It was soon closed and I heard it lock while I was trying to get myself off the floor, something, or someone fell on me.

"What the fuck!?! "

"Baby, you don't use that language with me." I heard a voice say, then the light came blinding my face.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, what the hell was going on?

"I'm sorry." the familiar voice came again, and this time with a laugh.

"What the - Megna? " her legs straddled me and she propped her arms on my chest.

"Yes baby, who'd you think I was? That sideline you call your girlfriend."

"She is my girlfriend, get off me!" I yelled. I didn't want to hit her, I mean I have respect for women but this bitch was making me angry by the minute.

"She's a BITCH!"

"Your a bitch! You're a whore! Your slept with my brother for crying out loud. You have some nerves! Now get the fuck off of me Megna!"

"Boo-hoo get over it ! I apoligized for a month!" she said with a innocent smile on her face. "Baby just quit resisting! I know your miss me." She bowed her head so her hair was making a curtain around our faces. She was beautiful, but a sneaking cold hearted bitch!

"Boo-hoo? Megna, Yes I do miss you, at times. You were my first love. I think about all the fun we had, how much I trusted you, how much I loved you. But you gave me every reason to hate your ass when you did what you did. And trying to break me and Laney up, is gonna make you look like a bigger bitch. I'm sorry, but you know your ways, and you can't have it this time. I love Laney, she makes me forget everything that happened with you, and every day I spend with her rebuilds my hearts from what you did." she was silent for moment, and she finally removed herself from me.

"And like I said I was sorry, if you miss me, Sammy just take me back! Please. It was just that one ti-" I Cut her off quickly getting up from the ground.

"Look here dear, get it through your brain, I'm with Laney, not you, there will never be a me and you again! Now please, can you please leave me alone."

"Fuck you, you asshole." with that she unlocked the closet and pushed me out first.

I walked to class, realizing I was 10 minutes late. I walked into the classroom just in time, the teacher was sitting at her desk and we were watching a video on something I paid no attention to.

"Hello Sammy." she looked up at me.


"Have a seat. Your late." she said bringing me a worksheet.

'Well no duh I'm late.' I thought to myself. I spotted Chase and he was staring at me, in one of 'what happened' looks. I looked at him nodding, that I would tell him later.

Classes went by quickly, and soon it was lunch, and I still didn't know how to tell Laney that my physco ex girlfriend tried to rape me in a janitors closet.

Everyone Deserves a Happy EndingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz