Last Night . . . AMAZING

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Chapter 15

Sammy's POV

I wake up to find the little radio still playing. I looked around to realize that we were still on the small cliff, that sat above the city. I leaned over to see the girl of my dreams sleeping peacefully in my arms. Her body was pressed firmly against mines , and i've never slept this good in my life. I lean closer to her and kiss her lightly on her cheek. She flutters her eye lashes open, and quickly plants her face into my arm, trying to block the sun away.

"Make it go away!" she joked playfully.

"Goodmorning beautiful. " She looks you at me with her bright red cheeks.

"It's morning. I can't look that beautiful. " I poked at her nose and she pushed my hand away playfully.

"Well you are to me."


"So, what does hmm mean? " she let's out a little laugh.

"It could really mean anything. Right now I don't know what it means, I am half sleep too you know. "

"Excuses!" she rolled over and sat up. She had a smile on her face.

"You know,I've never been camping."

"How's this for your first time?"

"Awesome dude! " she held up her hand for a high-five, I laughed at the silly looked she had on her face.

"I'm not giving you a 'high-five' darling." Her mouth drops open and quickly closes back up with a smirk on her face.

"I'm sorry jackass! I forgot you're a guy. Us girls give those little lame 'high-fives' right?"

"You said it!"

"Okay, whatever, is this better?" she held out her hand balled up into a fist.

"Way better. " I said laughing, "Your hands are tiny." she's took her hand and studied it like a weirdo.

"Nah, yours are just huge!"

"I'd have to disagree, but okay you win!" .

"As always. " she says playfully. "What time is it?" I look back at my phone, "5:24."

"Just in time to see the sunrise, but I never wake up this early! " I sat up with her, and pulled her into my lap.

"Well, you have me. At least your not up alone at 5 am."


"And . . . "

"And what? " she asks looking up at me with those big brown eyes.

"I'm a jackass now?"

"Yeah, but your my jackass now. " she pulls her body closer to miles, and lays her head on my shoulders. I kissed her forehead, "That's awesome! "

Laney's POV

When we finished watching the sun set, I checked my phone. I had 15 messages and 4 missed calls. 6 messages from Kathy. 2 from Jade, and 7 from Josh's dumb ass. Josh called twice, and Kathy called twice. Wonder what these two were up to. And I wondered how 3 people could leave 15 messages. I decided that I will read them on the way home.

"It's been an hour, we should get you home. The winds blowing, I don't need you sick for Christmas." said Sammy holding his hand out to me. With the dance being over this was just now coming to sight. I forgot all about Christmas. Hopefully my parents were here this year. Last Christmas Chance and I had to spend with our grandparents on our mother side of the family.My mother's side of the family was , well different. But to avoid a whole change in topic, it was the worst Christmas of my life.

"Oh yeah, Christmas." I said dryly.

"You sound like a grinch," he teased, " What did Christmas do to you?"

"Weird, embarrasing, boring, horrible moments, from last Christmas that's all."

"Well it's just 4 of us at my house. Atleast you have family to visit. We have to travel for Christmas, and I decided that it just wasn't worth it. I find my bestfriend Caden and spend Christmas with his family, once in a while."

"Caden Washington?"

"Yeah, we've known each other since kindergarten, diapers really." There was an awkward silence, when we reached the car. The whole car ride was really silent, but he held my hand in his lap the whole car trip. It was peaceful, I wish it could stay this way forever. When we pull up in my drive-way, he gives me a peck on the cheek, and watches me walk inside before driving away.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" The words came out slurred, and loudly. This is what I get when I accidently leave two teenage boys home alone. It was pizza crust and soda cans all over the floor. The kitchen was a mess, dishes everywhere. They couldn't use the same cup and plate twice!? The game room looked even worse. The couch pillows looked a mess and popcorn and soda everywhere. I looked around in shock, how did two boys do this. I sure in hell was not cleaning this. I walked up the steps, which had crumbs all over them. I had peeked into Chance's room. It was so clean, Chance was laying on the edge of his bed, and his little friend Austin was at the other end just about to fall off. I figured they had enough rest, I mean they had enough enerygy to destroy our home.

"Wake your asses up! What the hell did you guys do last night?" I frightened both of then and they both fell to the ground.

"What the hell Laney!" Chance jumped up and screamed.

"NO! What did you guys do last night?" Austin just laid there trying to process what was happening.

"Oh, the house? We just had a little fun, like you did last night." It was true, but did they have to do this?

"Okay, your playing games. Wake your little friend up and no one's leaving until the house is clean." He looked at me intensely, before nodding and walking into the bathroom. Aunstin still laid there, with his face stuffed in a pillow. "Get up!" I yelled at him. He was like family, so I treated him like family. He muffled into his pillow and I just walked away.I walked into my room, which was still clean! And flopped on my back. I thought about last night with Sammy, I was the most amazing night ever!

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