Monday Already?

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Chapter 18 

Laney's POV

It was Monday already and I wake up with Sammy on my mind. I wasn't worried, or anything. It was lovely. I tugged myself out of bed, and made my way down the hall to my bathroom to take a shower. I haven't talked to Jade since Friday night. I wondered what she was up to. 

"LANNNEYY ! Josh is here!" I heard Chance yell from downstairs. I ran out of my bathroom with a big smile on my face. 

"JOSHHY-POOH!" I said making kissy noises, "You did my bestfriend right didn't you?" My stomach was hurting from laughing. He pushed me playfully and sat down on the couch.

"You hooked up with Kathy didn't you?" Chance interrupted.

"CHANCE." I yelled at him to shut up.

"LANEY!" Chance yelled back at me , "I know more than you think, more than science!"

"Aha! Little dude isn't just used for a science book." Josh finally  said, "And yes, I did." He gave Chance a wink, and they did a little fist pound thingy.

"What the hell Josh?"

"That's what you get for talking so much!" said Chance.

"Shut the hell up Chance!"




"Both of you are immature!" said Josh.

"SO!" me and Chance said in unison. 

"Woah!" Then it got quiet. . . 

"You need a ride to school?" I asked Chance.


"Go get ready." We both ran up stairs, and Josh then told us we're taking his car this morning.

"Okay!" I yelled back.

We both ran up stairs and got ready. In record time both of us were ready and headed downstairs. I almost tripped over a stair, while texting back Sammy. 

'Goodmorning love'  Sammy's messages made me melt.

'Goodmorning baby' I loved talking to him. He made me feel so wanted and loved. Chance pushed me out the way, and skipped down the stairs. He smelled awfully good today,  and dressed cuter than usual.

"Crush man?" Josh asked.

"No crush, girlfriend." Chance said smiling.

"Who is this girlfriend?" I asked.

"Oh shit, here comes the big bad sister!" Josh said playfully.

"Hell yeah!" I said laughing, "I'm not going to beat up a baby though, I just want to know who this lucky girl that has my brother's looking and smelling so fresh!" I put an arm around my brother, as he pointed down the street. It was a pretty, skinny mixed girl, with brown hair and hazel brown eyes. She was dressed nicely, and had my kind of taste. "Great choice!" I said nudging him, "Samantha Rome, great girl." I smiled over at my brother, as he gripped her hand. I was glad he didn't choose a gum popping, slut dressing, little girl. 

"I told her we would take her to school today, is that okay."

"Yeah!" I heard Josh yell. 

"Hi!" she said walking up to me holding out her hand.

"Hey there Samantha."

"So you guys no each other?" Chance said. 

"She's dating my cousin, Sammy."

"Oh, awkward. . . " said Chance.

"No not really hun." she said smiling up at him.

"Let's go guys." said Josh.  When everyone got in the car, we pulled off, and I heard them talking and laughing. 

"Why do you and your sister go to different high schools?"

"I don't know I needed to go somewhere with a better science prgram. That's not Laney's best subject."

"I can hear you." I looked back at him.

"Okay. . ." he shrugged. When we pulled up to his school, they both got out . But before Chance got out, he whispered something in Josh's ear. Which made Josh laugh.

"What was that about . . . ?" I asked, "I never get told anything!"  I made a pouty lip, which always worked on Josh. He let out another laugh before he told me.

"Lolipops. . . " he said . I was confused at first, and then I got it. I can't think of my little brothers love life.

"That's disgusting!" I laughed as we pull up at school. 

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