The Christmas Party

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Chapter 38

Laney's POV

It was almost time to go by the time my mom and I got back. I hated shopping with her! She was worst than me. 'Oh do I look good in this, this is far to skimpy! Eh, Oh no! I got my outfit and really waited on her for 3 hours.

When I finally found mom and elegant black we returned home. The boys were taking showering up and freshening up. I walked to my room and laid out on my bed for a minute to breathe.

"Hey sweetness, had fun?" Sammy asked sitting next to me.

"No, not at all." I said propping up on my elbows.

"Awe. Why not?" He laid next to me.

"My mom took forever in each store, my feet hurt, and I need a hot shower! And I have a hour time get ready?!" I said standing up. My feet didn't necessarily hurt, but it was the fact that I walked on the all freaking day.


Jade's POV

"Hey hun, you coming tonight right?"

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world babe." Chase told me.

"Okay be here for 8 !"

"Yes ma'am." I smiled and hung up. It was 7 o'clock, I was so ready to get this going. I invited some friends from school, I told them this was my parents party too, and they understood.

-45 minutes later.-

"Hey! Glad you gave me a call." My friend Andy said. Me and Andy have been friends since who knows when, he doesn't hang around a lot. Specially since my bestfriend is Laney. Him and Laney kind of hooked up one night, and it's been awkward for him every time he sees her. Laney was the first girl Andy was actually falling for, and Andy doesn't fall in love. He's a man-whore. But its not so awkward for Laney, probably because she was drunk as shit that night.

"Hey hun." I said hugging him.

"Am I early?" he looked around.

"No just the first one to arrive." I smiled pulling him through the door. Soon I heard the doorbell ring again, I excused myself from the conversation me and Andy were having and walked to the door.

"Hi dear!"

"Aunt Claire!" I screamed hugging her. "I haven't seen you since summer, you look great."

"Your looking hit yourself lady." she smiled. I was really close to my auntie.

After that guest started spilling in by the dozen. Including Laney and her family, and Sammy and Sam.

"Hey Andy." Laney waved. Andy walked over hugging Laney.

"Hi, how have you been."

"Awesome and yourself? "

"Good." he said smiling. I guess he for over his awkwardness around Laney.

"Hey Sammy." he looked over and shook Sammy's hand.

"What's up man." They started conversation long enough for me to pull Laney into the kitchen.

"That's beautiful." I said pointing to her necklace, "But help me se some more drinks out please?"

"Thank you! And sure." When me and Laney went out into the kitchen I spotted Chris and Luke talking. Then I seen Brittney, Chase's ex. UGH I forgot her parents were really close to my parents. She smirked at me and walked off somewhere else.

"Sorry I'm late had to drop some things off." I heard a voice behind me.

"Chase, Hey hun." I said smiling and hugging him. "It's okay, nothings going on anyway.

"Okay, I'm gonna run this you to your room and I'll be down."

"Noo, gimme it now!" I whined like a little baby.

"No, have fun, open it tonight."

"Fine." he pecked my lips and ran upstairs. Then I spotted another one, oh Megna's here, and she was here with Jordan!?!

"Hey doll." she said to me.

"Um hey Megna . . . " I said trying to keep my calm.

"Hey Jade." Jordan said awkwardly.

"Hey Jordan!" I said a little impatient.

"Something wrong?" she looked at me with a cold smirk.

"No nothing, Who ya here with? " I asked.

"It's a family event, my parents are here, and my boyfriend." she smiled at Jordan.

"Oh congratulations then, excuse me." I walked away. Wondering where everyone was. Especially Chase.

"Chase." I called opening my door. My heart broke and shattered at the sight. It mouth got dry and tears started to fall. Sadness and angry took over me. Him and Brittney were sitting on my bed tongue kissing each other! He better not give me that 'It's not what it looks like shit' either!

"Dammit! Jade." Chase stood you in attempt of grabbing me.

"Dont. . . Don't fucking touch me." I said in a angry whisper. "Get your little hoe, and get the hell out of my fucking room." I finally yelled.

"ITS NOT WHAT -" Chase yelled and I cut him off.

"YOU JUST HAD ANOTHER GIRLS TONGUE DOWN YOUR THROAT! DON'T FUCKING TELL ME IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. NOW CHASE GET THE FUCK OUT IF HERE! " He looked down at the ground and walked out. Brittney still sat if my bed, she finally stood up and pulled the dress down that was almost showing her butt.

"That goes for you to, you bitch!" she reached to punch me, but I caught her fist and punched her right in the nose.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She got off the floor with a bloody nose, she shot me a death glare that didn't bother me, and walked off.

I slammed my door and laid down in my bed and let the tears flow. 10 minuted later I heard a knock on my door.

"Jade?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked away at an instant. "Jade I know you aren't sleep, there's a major party going on down there."

"My head just hurts a bit, I'll be down in a sec." I said, my voice even changed when I was crying.

"Jadey, tell me what's wrong." There was only one person that called me by that name. Andy. I jumped up and hugged him tightly.

"I just need a friend." I muffled into his neck.

"A bestfriend won't do?" I could feel him smile as he pulled me closer. Besides him, Laney and Kathy are the only ones who has ever seen me cry.

When it seemed like forever, he let go and pulled me into my bathroom. "Wipe you face and let's go have fun okay?" I nodded and did as he said. I had to touch up my make up and fix my hair. I looked back normal, except for my puffy red eyes, that would go away when I started having fun.

"Ready?" he said offering me his arm.

"Let's go!" I said smiling. Andy always knew how to make me smile. I wish he would've been my date, but he had a slut scheduled for that night. And I wasn't gonna make him disappoint her for me.

When we walked downstairs Chase was standing there looking clueless.

"Jade can we talk at least." Completely ignoring him I started talking to Andy. "So what do you really wanna do?"

"Let's go chat." With that Chase finally left my home, and my night went great after that. Laney and Kathy knew something was wrong but they ignored it I guess, for now I know. Around 10:00 everyone started leaving. Andy stood at the door with me to let everyone out. My parents went to their rooms, and went instantly to sleep. Leaving me and Andy alone.

"Thanks for everything." I said to him and he smiled at me.

"No problem." I laid my head on his shoulder. We were just laying their when I sat up and laid the other way. Then all of a sudden, I felt Andy minty breath, and his lips were hovering over my mines. Then, he gently leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips. When he and I found that I didn't mind, well, I kind of had a make out session with my bestfriend.

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