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•••3rd person pov•••

y/n stood there, staring at the door

"remus what are we doing here don't tell me he's my-"

"shh" was all remus said, he opened the door and snape had a knowing look on his face, he went to his desk and pulled out a letter from the top drawer

to y/n l/n

y/n looked between the two men, remus giving them a small smile and snape who kept the same blank expression like always

y/n pulled out the letter remus gave them and just stared between the two, y/n pulled out a chair and sat, still staring

"which one is from who" y/n didn't move her eyes off the letters

"that's for you to find out" remus whispered

y/n started with the letter snape handed her, thoughts flooding their mind

is he my dad

is that why he's been giving me that stuff after detention

is that why he's been so easy on me during class even when i'm literally failing

y/n opened the envelope carefully and begun reading

dear y/n,

hello. i don't know when you'll be reading this but i'm marie elizabeth snape, or now marie elizabeth l/n. i'm your mum. i'm not good at things like this, hopefully you didn't get that gene from me and were blessed with your father's personality. i don't know if you've read your dads yet so i won't use his name. he'll explain why you're with remus in his letter, this is your background on my side of the family. your name was going to be y/n snape, considering i wanted it to be my last name since your father came up with your first name, but we decided it was safer if we used l/n. l/n was my mums, your grandmothers, maiden name before she got married. so yes, that does make snape your uncle, surprise! i'm not too fond of the snape family so that's pretty much all i'm going to give, you can take your questions to snape if you really want. i hope we can meet one day, if not, i completely understand, you're happy with remus, i know you are, i saw the instant connection between the two of you. i don't want to make this too long but just know i love you, even if we don't know each other like that. i hope we can talk soon my dear



oh and just a little side note, severus has a soft spot for you so use that to your advantage

y/n stared at the words in front of her, blankly staring. they finally looked up and turned to snape, who had his head down, y/n slowly got up from where they were sitting and stood in front of snape, he finally looked up

is that all i am to you? (harry potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now