"second place!"

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hey shawtys😫

•••harrys pov•••
(an hour before the second task)

i was sitting in the common room with ron and dean before i checked the time and realize the task was in a hour. a fucking hour. i excuse myself from the conversation and go to find a jumper to wear

i start heading towards the black lake when i hear a faint voice from behind


i turn my attention around to see neville, slightly running and out of breath, with the most disgusting looking thing in his hand. i really really really hope that isn't the gillyweed i have to eat

"i've got the gillyweed you asked for harry"

"thank you, and you're sure this'll hold for a hour"

"most likely"

"most likely. most likely!"

"it's been a debate amongst herbologists for quiet some time and-"

"you're telling me this now?!"

"sorry. anyways have you seen y/n? i was supposed to help her with some herbology homework and they never showed"

merlins beard. not that i think about it, i haven't seen y/n or hermione all morning. how did i not notice

"no i haven't actually, they told me theyd be here, same with mione" i let out trying not to show that i'm kind of hurt

we reach the black lake and i separate from neville and go to he dock with the rest of the champions. still no sigh of y/n or hermione

"welcome, to the second task. last night a treasure was stolen from the champions. one treasure, from each champion, lies at the bottom of the lake. to win, you must find their treasure and return to the surface" dumbledore starts but got cut off by moody talking to me

"put that in your mouth" he lets out rather aggressively. hes most definitely referring to the gillyweed, which i've been dreading ever since i laid eyes on it. i quickly shove it in my mouth and to my surprise, i tastes worse than it looks

"you'll have one hour and one hour only, you may begin at the sound of the canon" shortly after dumbledore announced, the canon went off.

the three other champions jumped in quickly, i got shoved in by moody. i hit the water and sharp pain on my neck, after a couple seconds, i grew gills and my hands along with my feet were webbed

i followed a school of fish into a patch of seaweed. i swim through them and see fleur so i'm pretty sure i'm headed the right way. i hear faint singing which of course, are the merpeople, so i follow their voices. a ugly-looking merperson pushed me to the side rather quickly, that's when i knew i was close

i swam a little farther and say four people, who looked dead, chained to the floor. i got closer and i see y/n, hermione, cho and a little blonde girl. these must be our treasure. i get close enough to y/n to see they aren't dead, thank god

i struggle to untie her feet when i see cedric to my right pull out his wand and shoot a spell at cho's feet. he turns his attention and taps his watch, times running out. i shot a spell at y/n's feet and i hear and see merpeople screeching and fleeing. i look behind me and see krum, with a shark head? (a/n KRUM SHARK😜😜😜) he set hermione free and quickly swam up to the surface

i grab onto y/n but i see the blonde girl still there, i shoot a spell at her feet and make my way to the surface with both of them but then i feel tugging and my feet, these ugly things aren't too happy i'm saving both. i push y/n and the little girl up to the surface

is that all i am to you? (harry potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now