"youre a girl"

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•••y/ns pov•••

it's a snowy afternoon, and i'm in the gryffindoor common room with nev. he found a new book about plants and wanted to tell me about it, which i'm always up for.

i listen for a little longer until we hear all students must return to their common rooms, i say bye to nev and make my way to my common room

when i get there i see the common room couches and tables have been moved so the room is almost empty, what looks like all the slytherin house is gathered there along with snape who's in the front

"i'm going to make this short and sweet. the yule ball has been a tradition. it's a ball and you'll need a date. i'm sure you know how to dance, if not, figure it out yourself. goodbye and don't ask me questions"

well okay then. a ball, dates, dancing.

i enter the great hall for dinner and sit between harry and neville. the twins and harry are laughing their arses off about ron having to dance with mcgonagall

"y/n..does that mean snape had to teach you guys how to dance" harry lets out with a small giggle

"no and thank merlin, he just told us what it was and then left. i don't even know if i want to go, dates, dresses, dancing, seems a bit much dont you think"

hermione, ron and harry all grow silent like they know something i don't. i brush it off and finish eating.

(a few days later)

harrys been distant with me and i have no idea why, i didn't even do anything. it's honestly pissing me off. i'm paying no attention to what is going on until i hear ron start

"well hermione, you're a girl"

"well spotted" she lets out with a snappy tone

"it's one thing for a boy to show up alone, for a girl it's just sad."

"i won't be going alone because believe it or not someones asked me. and i said yes"

she gets up and storms off and i can't help but laugh.

"ron you bloody idiot. you can't just use her as a last resort. the balls a day away and you think a girl like her hasn't been asked. it's your bloody fault"

i earn an eyeroll from harry and i snap.

"is there something wrong harry"

"you're calling out ron for not having a date when you don't even have one yourself, like he said, that's just sad"

"excuse me? that's a lot coming from the boy who hasn't got one either, and for the record, i've been asked plenty of times but i don't really fancy balls. but if you wanna be a foul git maybe i'll just accept georges offer, since you don't have the balls to ask me"

i storm off not even tuning in for what harry has to say. i find george and tell him i'd be delighted to go to which he gets excited

(the day of the yule ball)

i found the only dress i've ever owned sitting in the back of my closet, finally it's being put to good use.

i wear my hair naturally but more presentable than usual, with a simple makeup look. my dress it a skin-tight black silk dress, about mid-thigh length with a pair of hightop converse. there was no way i was going to wear heels. everyone's lucky i'm even wearing a dress.

i make my way to the gryffindor common room to meet neville before the ball but when i get there it seems to be empty until hermione walks down the girls dorm stairs, she's wearing a pink dress with her hair done beautifully.

is that all i am to you? (harry potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now