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It's been four month and the half since the incident, my brother and my parents have been staying with me in Korea. My parents were shock when they first saw my condition, but they eventually calmed down. Yoongi was still in coma, but at least he was transferred to a normal ward and out of the ICU. I was walking down the corridor and toward Yoongi's ward, I visited him every day during visiting time, sometimes I even sleep over at the hospital if I was allowed. There were a few time that I met with Yoongi's parents at the hospital. they were very worried about Yoongi's health as they kept apologizing to me about the past. I told them that the past was the past, and  I forgave Yoongi already for his mistake after a while of thinking and analysing. I had just reached the door of Yoongi's ward room, I took a breath a opened it. Jackson had also forgave Yoongi for th There Yoongi was, lying down on the hospital bed, his face was pale and had no emotion, he was just lying down there peacefully. 

End of POV

Y/n: Hey Yoonie, how are you doing. I am doing fine today, I just witness the weirdest thing today. Joon was trying to cook some food, you know that normally the food would burn right, but when I walked into the kitchen with Jin, I saw the pot burning and the food inside was still raw. Jin told him that he can't turn on high heat for the whole time when he cooks and needs to start from a lower heat and Joonie goes, "Heat is heat". Jin was left dumbfounded by the fact that someone with the IQ of 148 could reply something like that

Y/n began to talk to him about stories that had happened to her that day. She was so aroused in talking with Yoongi that she even forgot about the time. When she checked on her phone...

Y/n: Oh shoot, it's already 6.43 pm, I need to be back at the base before 7 pm. Yoonie, sorry that I wouldn't be able to visit you tomorrow, we have to do some business to deal with. I'm really sorry for putting you in this mess. I hope that you wake up soon, love you. ( she pecks hime on his cheeks before leaving the room )

???: Uggh, what going on. Why is the room so bright. And why am in this outfit. What happened to me? Am I in an hospital?
Person: Oh, Mr Min. I see you have awoken from your coma. My name is Cha Eun Woo. And you may call me Doctor Cha. May I check on you and ask you some question.
Yoon: Yeah.
Doc Cha: Do you remember anything from the past, any memory lost? Any headaches?
Yoon: No, I remember everything. No, my head is just a little spinny that's it. Doctor how long have I been in a coma and do you know anyone called Y/n.
Doc Cha: You've been in a coma for about four and a half month, If your talking about Ms Wang, yes I know her, she's been visiting you you most of the time. She should be visiting in about 30 minutes or so. ( He said while doing some checkups on Yoongi )
Doc Cha: Well you seem really healthy, you just need some rehabilitation and your good to go. 

Y/n had just arrived at the hospital, she opened to door toward Yoongi's ward and sees him sitting up straight reading a magazine. she dropped everything in her hand and ran toward him, hugging and letting her tears spill out. Yoongi just place the magazine down and hugged her back. 

Yoon: Shhhh, don't cry. 
Y/n: I can't believe your awake, I missed you so much. I love you.
Yoon: Hey, I love you. I'm sorry for not waking up sooner.
Y/n: Don't ever leave me again.
Yoon: I promise I won't.

???: Wake up you sleepy head.

As a little boy jumped on Yoongi stomach.

Yoon: Give me another 5 minutes to sleep.
???: But it's my birthday today.
Yoon: Okay Yeon Hyun. I'm up. What do you want for your birthday present. ( He asked the three year old boy )
YH: I want a sibling!!!
Yoon: Okay, how about you tell that to mommy later about that. Okay.
YH: Okay!! ( as he said as he ran down the stairs to tell his mommy what he wants for his birthday. )
YH: Mommy, I want a sibling.

Y/n choked on her drink as she heard what her son had said. Yoongi slowly back hugged her and whisper in her ears.

Yoon: What about we give him one tonight.
Y/n: Yahhh!!!!!! You pervert. ( Begans to hit Yoongi over and over again )



I've finally finished my first fanfic. I hope that all of you enjoyed reading this. And I want to thank everyone who had been supporting me since the very beginning of the story.

Stay safe and be happy

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