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The night before I said that I wrote my story until midnight right, I've actually forgotten to set my alarm. I woke up at 8.35am panicking as online class starts on 10 minutes. But luckily, I've still managed to get into class and in time. Now on with the story.


CY: Oh, your already up I see. I hope you have a nice sleep because its going to be rough day.

Yoongi was walking through the house trying to find the kitchen, he was trying to recall his memories from last night where Jimin gave him a mini tour through the base ( mansion ), when he saw Chanyeol coming out of his room before greeting a good morning to me. I greeted back it him and followed him to the kitchen.

[ How he looked like a when he stepped out of the room ]

He was greeted with with some of them sitting in the dinning area eating their breakfast, chatting happily to each other.

He wished that they had never left him, but after all it was his fault. The last two years were extremely difficult to past, he wanted to talk to someone about his problems but no one was there. But now seeing all of them together again, his heart finally felt at peace.

RM: Okay, Yoongi and Chanyeol you better start eating now, and Irene, Sana, Sehun and Kai just reported I was to us, ten minutes ago.

The breakfast was marvelous, they all thanked Jin and D.O who cooked for them. Surprisingly the weapon collection team had completed their mission in a very short amount of time and had no injuries. Very now and then, gangs would attack them causing some injuries, so they would often send one of the doctors there during the mission.

All of them except the four spies were seated quietly in the meeting room in their on seat.  Suho, RM, Jisoo and Xiumin stood up before walking to the front of the meeting room.

SH: As you all know, the spy team hat just reported to us no long ago with some information about Yeri and her gang.
JS: We are expecting more 20 people to attack including Yeri.
XM: We also found out that Yeri had another hostage with her in the warehouse. He seem to be in  his early twenties.
RM: But we couldn't identify him. He was Jungkook and Chen do you have any info about Yeri that you found out in the Internet.

Jungkook stood but before saying...

JK: We found out that she her real was actually Kim Yerim and she has a older brother. Her parents and other family members mysteriously died last year leaving her and her brother behind.
Chen: We tried tracking down her brother but we couldn't find anything about him, apparently he keep a really low profile and had no pictures taken of him.
JK: It's almost like he was in a mafia gang.

Suho picked up the phone before widening his eyes in shock.
SH: We have more news from the spy team, it seem like Y/n is awake and Yeri has a new partner...

???: Wakey wakey, Y/n. Nice to see you after the incident. You've seem to survive everything I've done to you, so what about we play a new game.

Y/n woke up after being splashed by a bucket of cold water. Her eyes darted toward the figure in front of her. She somehows look familiar but she couldn't place a finger on it. She tried moving her legs and arm around to get out from the seat but failed to do so as her arm and legs were tightly chain to each other. There was also a boy who stood beside the girl, he had a sharp jaw and flawless skin. He looked very handsome and fearsome at the same time, but what she saw in his eyes were the complete opposite, guilt, worry and sadness filled his eyes.

Y/n: What do you want from me. ( Her voice was hoarse and dry from the lack of water )
???: I just want my Yoongi. It it wasn't for you, he would have been mine. We could've lived a happy life together, but you just have to mess it up.
Y/n: Y-Yeri. ( It was not normal for her to speak like that, it's just that all of her painful memories came rushing back to her. )

Meeting Yoongi on the first day of school, Yoongi cried his eyes out after Yeri bit her, Yoongi kicking her out of the house after being accused of being a cheater and getting hit by a car. It all came back to her, every sad and happy moments that they had together. Now she understood why Yoongi acted like that when he saw her in the office.

???: Oh, I see that your now awake. ( A new voice appears as the doors open)


Stay safe and love yourself ❤️

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