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Beep, beep, beep, beep...

It's been 5 hours since I've been waiting outside the operating room. The doctor walked out in his surgical scrubs ( scrubs are sanitary clothing worn by nurses, surgeons and physicians involved in patient care in hospitals)

 The doctor walked out in his surgical scrubs ( scrubs are sanitary clothing worn by nurses, surgeons and physicians involved in patient care in hospitals)

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End of POV

Y/n: How is he doctor.
Doc: He's fine for now. His heart can't properly maintain blood pressure, pumping, or circulation causing him to slipped into coma because of blood loss.
Y/n: When will he wake up.
Doc: We're not sure, but we need to keep an eye on him in the ICU (intensive care unit). Until he recovers more, we will have to care for him here.
Y/n: Can we at least visit him.
Doc: Yes, but we have specific time for visiting. You can visit tomorrow from 10 am to 2 pm. Only two visitor are allowed to been in the room.
Y/n: Thank you doctor.
Doc: Your welcome, have a nice day Miss Wang.
Y/n: You too.

CY: Y/n, we've inform your brother and your parents about this matter. Your brother and his group will be arriving first thing in the morning, while your parents will be arriving around 1 pm to 2 pm.
Y/n: Okay. (She answered with no emotions)
CY: Looked Y/n, I know your stressed but let's go back eat something, get your wounds treated and get some rest. You've been through some rough few days.
Y/n: I want to stay here, I don't care if I starve, I don't care if my wound get infected and I surely don't care if I get any rest. BECAUSE I JUST DON'T CARE!!! HE'S HURT BECAUSE OF ME!! DON'T YOU SEE IT, EVERYTHING STARTED BECAUSE OF ME!! ( she cried out while sobbing)
CY: Look Yoongi wouldn't want you to be like this, he wants you to be healthy, be happy. Come lets go back and we'll be back in the morning. (Chanyeol said while dragging Y/n lightly out of the hospital.)

Back at base

CY: Let me get Jin Hyung to treat your wound, and I called D.O to cook something for you, what do want to eat.
Y/n: Ramyeon and some tteokbokki.
CY: Okay, coming right up.

Is was after a few minutes after Chanyeol left.
Jin came walking in with his kit in his hands.
Jin: Chanyeol had something to do for the moment so he will be back in a while. Y/n do you mind showing me your wounds, so that I can treat them.

Y/n: Here, there's a few down my leg and a few on my arm. ( she showed him her wounds, she did have wounds but not as much as bruises )

Jin began to wash and disinfect the wound to remove all dirt and debris by applying some antibiotics, before dressing each wound. 

It was pretty awkward between the two of them, none of them spoke. Until Y/n broke the silence. 

Y/n: How did Yoongi even join you guys, the last time I saw him, he was a businessman, managing his own company. 

Jin: Well you see, after you went missing, Chanyeol decided to pay a little visit to Yoongi, which we didn't know about. he suddenly gave Jungkook a call asking him to track a number and prepare a meeting cause we were having a special guest. And when the special guest arrived, we were all shocked that the special guest was actually Yoongi. They explained to us that you were kidnapped, we kinda freaked out. Then Lisa kinda exposed us being a mafia group.

Jin: After that, Irene, Sana, Kai and Sehun were sent to spy on Yeri while the rest of us had to train Yoongi, which Chanyeol mainly took care of I think. I was with the weapon team, collecting more weapons.

Y/n: Now, knowing that Chanyeol had trained him he probably had a hard time. 

Jin: He was complaining at first, but he quickly got a hang of it. He even learnt how to shoot, it took you about a day or two right, but he managed to got it correct in an hour or so.

Y/n: That's amazing. I still remember Chanyeol learning to shoot, he keep shooting outside the target.

CY: Hey, I wasn't that bad.

Both Jin and Y/n snapped their heads back to see where the sudden sound had come from.

They turned their head to see Chanyeol and D.O, one holding a bowl of ramyeon and the other  with a plate tteokbokki.


Stay safe and be happy

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