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I didn't expect that to be I will be writing this story until ep17, I thought I would finish it by ep15 and ep16, oh well. Lets get started...


YR: Get away from her Lee, or else he goes boom.
Lee: He's your brother, your only relative left.
YR: So what, he dies, he dies. He lives, he lives. I don't care about him, he's no one to me, I'm hust using him. After all this, I don't need to him anymore you can have him back.
Lee: I going to check on the weapons, I'll tell the others to guard her later.
YR: Fine. But if I don't see you at 2pm[😏] , your friend goes ka boom.

???: I know where Y/n is but I need help. Yeri has hostage of my gang member, who is also her brother. She would still kill him after we help him so what do you say we collaborate with each other.
SH: Who are you. And how do you know about Yeri and Y/n.
Lee: I am Lee Taeyong, the leader of the gang NCT. She told me to contact you for help. 

SH: Who is the gang member that Yeri has hostage and how did it happen in the first place.

TY (track): Kim Dongyoung ,who is also known as Doyoung in the underworld. He was born on   February 1, 1996. Which makes him the older brother of Yeri. He joined the underworld in 2013 along with a few other members. Yeri, his sister was born on March 5, 1999. Her real name is Kim Yerim, so that's why you guys probable cannot find a lot of information about her. It all started when a few days ago, when Yeri suddenly contacted Doyoung asking for them to meet up. We found it suspicious when he was gone for a quite a few hours, there were no text saying that he was going to come back a little later, he usually does that. Later that day I got a phone call from Doyoung, and of-course I answered. At the other hand of the phone call wasn't Doyoung but instead Yeri. That's when she blackmailed us. All of my gang members aren't doing this willingly, we were all forced.
SH: Wow, that's a lot of information, but we still need a plan. What your position in your group.
TY: I'm an ACE.
(ACE: Good in all categories [like Y/n])
( ACE: Taeyong
Planners: Doyoung, Xiaojun and Kun
Hackers: Jungwoo, Yangyang and Jaemin
Spies: Ten, Winwin, Hendery, Renjun, Haechan Jisung and Shotaro
Fighters: Johnny, Yuta, Jaehyun, Lucas, Mark, Jeno and Sungchan
Doctors: Taeil and Chenle)

[This is written based on NCT 2020, if there are any new members in the future, they won't be in the story]

As watched as Yeri slammed the door as she went out of the room. She went out of the  shortly after the Lee person left.
It has been a few minutes since Yeri left when two people came barging into the room. One of them was carrying a first aid kit, while the other one was empty handed. Both of them looked very young.
End of POV

???: Hello, my name is Jisung. ( said the person who was empty handed)
???: And I am Chenle. And together we are...
Both: Chenji!!!

Y/n giggle at their introduction.

Y/n: Nice to meet you both, my name is Y/n. From the name Chenle, I guess your Chinese, right.
CL: Yeah, you know Chinese.
Y/n: Of course I know Chinese, I'm Chinese.
CL:真假的 ( really)
Y/n: 我不说谎,我家姓王。( I don't tell lies, my family surname is Wang)
JS🐥: Can you please stop talking in Chinese, I don't understand a single thing you just said. (kinda annoyed)
CL: Sungie, you're so cute when your annoyed?

Before Jisung could response, another man came in screaming at the top of his lungs.

JS🐥: Lucas hyung, your loud.
CL: But not louder that me. (screams in dolphin voice)
JS🐥: Okay you've proven to me that you're actually half human and half dolphin. Now keep quiet, you still have to treat Y/n wounds. And Lucas hyung we have to do some patrolling around this building.
LC: Let's get it.

They walked out of the building leaving Chenle with me to treat my wounds.

After 30 minutes or so Lucas and Jisung came back, Chenle had also finished dressing my  wound so that they don't get infected.
We talked for some time and I  found out that Lucas was also Chinese. It was fun when we talked when some one came in.
End of POV


I would also like to apologise for not updating for the past week. I will try and update more to make it up.

Stay safe and be happy.

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