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Bello, everyone. Welcome back to ep 20.


WD: What is that banging noise, it's killing my ears.
YR: Could you please check on it before I snap your neck. (she said to a masked man beside her)
Masked man: Y-yes, Ms K-kim.

YR: Enough blabbering, now go before I have to repeat myself! And that won't be nice, would it.

He left hurriedly, not wanting his neck to be snapped by Yeri. The banging got louder as he got closer to the door. He opened the door, with is hands in his pocket incase he needs it. he slowly peaks out of the door to see a man dressed in black kicking he door, not to mention he was also screaming very loudly. He couldn't see the mans face as it was too dark to see clearly.

Masked man: Yah! Stop kicking the door and go home! I'm turning deaf if you keep kicking and screaming.

However the man dressed in black didn't care the f*ck about what he said making annoyed. He pulled out his gun hoping that it would scare the man away. 

Masked man: You better f*ucking stop kicking the door or I will freaking kill you with this gun.

He man stopped kicking and screaming but he didn't run or do anything, he just stood still at the same spot and chuckled. In which made the masked man more angry and annoyed than before. The masked man began to walks closer to the man in black as he was still chuckling, as he pointed his gun at the mans head.

Masked man: You better scram now, or this bullet ends up in you head.

???: Or in yours.

'Bang', the masked man laid on the ground motionless as more blood poured out of his wound.

???: Yoongi hyung, you were so cool.

Yoon: Thanks Jungkookshi. Lets hope the gun shot and the dead body is enough to get Yeri, Wendy and the other masked men attention, and hopefully get them to come out.

TY: I think that they're here.

DY: Yeah, hopefully they find Y/n and us before they bomb this place into pieces.

WD: What was that sound.

Masked man: It sounded like a gun shot, mam.

YR: They cause more trouble than trouble itself, never let a man to do a women's work. Now follow me. ( she commanded the rest of the masked man in the room )

YR:  And you, sit tight. Enjoy your time cause it may be your last. ( she said towards Y/n who was now dressed and tied toward at chair in the middle of the room ) [ I'll let you guys imagine the outfit, let you imagination run wild ]

The gunshot did attract a lot of people including Yeri and Wendy.

Yoon: Wen-wendy, why are you here.
WD: Who are you and how do you know me!? ( She screamed at Yoongi, not knowing it was him hiding in the darkness )  
Yoon: How could you do this to me. You knew that I love her. ( he said crying as he stepped forward towards them showing them his face )
YR: Ahh, Min Yoongi. Nice to see you. How have you been, its been a long time, baby boy.
Yoon: Why are you here, W-wendy.
WD: As you can see, honey. I was with Yeri all along. The fight, the hit-and-run accident, it was all me. But I wasn't enough to kill that b*tch. She's like a cockroach, hard to kill.
Yoon: How could you, I trusted you with my life. You promised that you'll never betray me.
WD: Well, promises are always meant to be broken. That's why it's so interesting.

Yeri walks up to Yoongi with her heels clicking on the floor every time she took a step. She grab Yoongi's face as she slowly caresses his face.

YR: You've became more handsome since our last meeting. You're -

'BANG! BANG!' was heard throughout the warehouse.
Yeri was about to turn and run inside when Yoongi grab arm then kicking her in the stomach.

YR: You were in this weren't you, I should have known, you weren't going to come here alone.

She was furious, she took out her gun and aimed at Yoongi when...


My phone's battery expanded, luckily it didn't explode but now I'm using my mother's old phone to keep you guys updated.

Stay safe and be happy

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