40 -Hisaki

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(Akaine's POV)

In and out... In and out... I watch as my hand phases between visible and invisible as I force photons around it, then let them bounce off of it. It's the only thing I could do to entertain myself alone as a kid.  It's boring as heck, I know, but  something about it was always so fascinating to me. I know I could do stuff like make it change colors, but invisibility is much more interesting to see in front of my eyes. And I'm trying to figure out a way to make my invisibility more effective. Whenever I try, there's a little warp at the edges of my hand.

It's about midday on a Saturday. They said my work study starts tomorrow because they don't want me to be there when the other student meets Sir Nighteye for whatever reason. So, I'm home free. I wanted to play with Quera, but by the time I woke up, she wasn't in her room. I texted her and she told me that she's preparing for her faux date with Todoroki and wouldn't like to see anyone, which is a bit strange on her part. Usually, she's the type to enjoy being around others.

Actually, this is way too strange. I'm gonna check her room to find out what's wrong. I exit my room and walk to the elevator to take it up to her floor. When I arrive, I walk to her door and knock, softly. I get no answer. I knock once again, but still no answer. I wonder what Shizu's doing if Quera's not here. So I cross the floor to his room, but he's not here, either. Oh well. Guess I'm bored for today. So, I return to my room.

I'm back to fading in and out of visibility. I wonder how the other kid's doing. I wonder if Sir Nighteye likes them. I'll see them tomorrow, then, I guess. For today, I have nothing to do. Shizu's gone, Quera's gone, Hanaki and Eros really don't like me, and most others are studying with Momo. That leaves me alone in my bedroom. I don't like this. I groan and place my head on the frame of my bed.

After a few seconds of just wallowing, I stand up and open my door. Staring back at me is a bag of fruit snacks. I'm assuming Quera put it there. She has a strange obsession with fruit snacks. So she's somewhere on campus. I pick it up and open it. Inside is a slip of paper. I read it: "headed out alone, enjoy some fruit snacks!" She really likes giving out fruit snacks, huh? I return inside my room to start studying. Eventually, I pass out on my desk. When I wake up, the sun has gone down and everyone's back home. I must've slept for quite a few hours.

I head downstairs to the common area. Shizu's hanging out with Bakugo and Todoroki, Quera's thrown herself over the back of the couch, next to Tsu, and Iida's yelling at her for not properly sitting on the couch. She seems to be enjoying herself. I sit on the back of the couch next to Quera, making Iida even more angry. Midoriya enters in his common clothes and we greet him, happily. We congratulate him on finding an agency for his work study. A few others complain about not being able to find any agencies that meet the requirements. Eventually, Mr. Aizawa passes by and picks up the conversation. He tells Tokoyami that he got an offer from Hawks.

"Also, Kirishima, Lienne. Apparently, Amajiki from the Big Three wants to talk to you two about something," he says. "Uraraka and Asui, you've got your own big three summons from Hado. You can track 'em down sometime tomorrow or whatever. That's all for now."

Aizawa leaves. Kirishima decides to head to the third years' dorm almost immediately and Quera jumps at at idea, excitedly. She, Uraraka, and Asui go with them. I hop over next to Midoriya.

"If you got your work study through Togata, then we're going to the same agency, right?" I say. "Let's do our best together, Midoriya!"

He nods, motivated. "Let's!"


The next day, we started working at the agency. We're just doing patrols and surveillance in small groups, so it's not that bad. Sir Nighteye and Bubble Girl are in one team, while Mirio, Midoriya, and I are in the other. We're investigating the Shie Hissaikai group. Our target, Kai Chisaki, looks kind of familiar to me, although I can't quite put my finger on it. Apparently, he's recently contacted the League of Villains. If the teachers found out about this, I don't think we'd be able to go on in our work studies. Not even Mirio. Nighteye  shares with us the objective and then sends us out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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