4 - You're Just A Villain

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(Quera's POV)

Vines swirl up around my leg, creeping and climbing up my leg. It tightens around my leg, squeezing the life out of it. Hanaki turns around and stares at me with the scariest eyes she can make. They send chills down my spine. She truly hates me and that's a fact I can't shake. I don't understand why, though.

I didn't do anything...

"Watch your step, villain," She says. I look down and see some messily placed dirt. She buried some seeds in it. It's clear it's a trap and if I'd stepped anywhere else, she'd be screwed. It's not a smart move, but I should've been more careful with where I'm walking. This is new for her, though.

"So, you're setting snares, now, Ha-... Nishiya?" I smile. "Good on ya!"

Hanaki tightens the vines. "Don't pretend you hate me." The vines start to wrap around my torso. "You know that's not true."

"Then, what is?"

"What's true is that you're a villain and I have to defeat you!"

A villain... 

It was elementary school when we met. She and I bonded over our dream of becoming heroes. We would always play games, pretending I was a villain and she was a hero. She always congratulated me on being so good at playing villain, but I hated that. When we got into middle school, I finally told her.

"Hey, Hanaki?"

"Yes, Quera?"

"You know how we always play heroes versus villains and I'm always a good villain?"

"Yeah, what about it? Do you wanna be a hero this time?"

"Oh, that's not it! I just wanted to tell you since you're my closest friend that I was raised to be a villain."


"My dad... He's evil. He's very very evil."

"Why are you telling me now? I could've gotten you away from him!"

"No... I ran away with lil bro and big sis!"

"Well, since we're telling secrets, my dad is..."

I'd like to forget that memory. It's what sent our friendship into a downward spiral. She was upset that my favorite hero wasn't hers and it just went south from there. What's worse is that she was my only friend back then. No one else wanted to approach a dull, broken looking girl like me. My entire face was a buzzkill, along with my voice and my entire being, for that matter. I'm just dull and I don't ever make things any more fun than they already are. I just make things worse. Hanaki couldn't see that at first, but she did then.

But I'm no villain.

I shrink down to the size of a millipede, then turn into one, for that matter, and scurry up her leg, past her arm, and into her hair. As I see her hand rise up to the back of her head, I return to human form, but as small as a millipede, then jump. I propel myself off her hand and return to normal size as I kick the back of her head. She falls forward onto her face and groans. I land on her back and dig for my capture tape. Just as I realize it's gone, I'm wrapped up in vines and lifted off of her. She used her own, knowing I wouldn't be able to escape without hurting her immensely. Dammit!

"Todoroki's up here! What's going on from your end?" Eros asks me. I struggle a bit.

"I'm trapped," I say. "She knows my tricks. I can't get out without hurting her."

"Then... I'll handle it."

"Are you sure you can do this on your own? You only have half my power."

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