28 - Aftermath

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(Quera's POV)

"Now, it's your turn."

Midoriya starts crying with those words, and I understand why. One for All is his, now. But what All Might said wasn't all meant for him. It was meant for all of us. Everyone. From the villains in the alleyway, to the civilians in the streets. To the students, it means it's our turn to fight. To the villains, it's their turn to face the consequences of their actions. To the civilians, it was a message to let them know that they'd be safe in the hands of the next generation. To Midoriya, it meant it's his turn to become the symbol of peace because All Might couldn't do it anymore. To me, it means it's my turn to become the next to take him down.

The six of us try to find the others. Midoriya told me that Todoroki and Yaoyorozu came with them. We found them soon and Bakugo and I went to meet with the police. As expected, none of them trust me after hearing who my dad is. I return home soon after. I spend the next few days alone, wishing I had some kind of parental figure to take care of me. Ari comes to us to tell us that we're skipping town and finding another place to live. She suggests we cut ties with everyone we know, but I feel that'd be too harsh on my friends. While we're packing, Mr. Aizawa knocks on our door. Ari opens it and lets him in and sits on the couch across from him, then Kusuke brings him a glass of ice water.

"Hello, sir," he says as he sets the glass on a coaster on the coffee table. "You must be Mr. Aizawa, my sister's teacher?"

"And you're Kusuke Lienne, the one who realized her hero suit," he says, turning to my sister. "I understand that none of you live with a parent, but your elder sister serves as your legal guardian. Your father is a villain you ran away from and your mother is unknown and you haven't had contact with her in years. Under these circumstances, I can guarantee that your little siblings will be in good hands under the guidance of our teachers at UA. Therefore, I ask that you allow us to house your little siblings on campus at UA in order to keep a closer eye on them."

"Sir," I speak up. "It would be safer if I stay here, wouldn't it? The villains do take every chance they get to grab a hold of us."

"I'll allow it," Ari says, disregarding what I said. "Under the surveillance of multiple pro heroes, I trust that no one will even try to hurt us. Furthermore, if this offer hadn't been extended to us, we would've left the school, anyways. It wouldn't be safe for us to stay here, since this place has become a direct target of the villains, so moving them somewhere else is the smartest thing to do. As for me, I'm going to find another place to live."

Mr. Aizawa stands up and bows to her. "Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to seeing you again in school." He straightens his back. "In the meantime, finish packing your stuff to send it in."

Mr. Aizawa then leaves us to our own devices. I don't have to worry about why she said yes because I already know why. Occam's Razor. I stuff the last of my clothes into my suitcase and some things I want to take to the dorms with me in a box. I don't have many significant possessions, so it all fits into one box. Afterwards, we head to school once again, carrying some things to the dorms: heights alliance. The dorms are specifically labelled by class, so it's easy to sort us. The dorms are just on the edge of the campus, but look sturdy enough. Mr. Aizawa greets us outside of the dorms to talk to us. Looks like everyone's here.

"Given everything that's happened," he says, "I'm glad we were able to bring class A back together."

"We're glad to see the teacher got to come back," Tsu says. "I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed. The people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys."

"I was surprised, as well," Mr. Aizawa responds. "But circumstances have changed. Now, then. I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly. First, however, we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during training camp. This is important. Listen well. Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Todoroki. Nishiya. Midoriya. Iida. You six are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Bakugo and Lienne that night." My entire body goes cold and I chill creeps down my spine. I hope they don't get in trouble because of me. "I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this: if it weren't for All Might's retirement on the hero scene, I would expel everyone here except Bakugo, Jiro, Hagakure, and Lienne." I bite my lower lip, holding back an apology so I don't interrupt him. "The six of you who went, of course, but also the remaining 17 who didn't stop them. You betrayed our trust, even if it was to prevent your friends from getting into trouble. In order to regain our confidence, you'll need to obey every rule to the letter and live as model students. That's all." He turns to walk into the building. I feel an intense pain in my chest. "Now, look alive. Enjoy your new home."

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