14 - Daddy Dearest

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(Shizu's POV)

Akaine Hisaki, Eros, and I start heading to the bleachers to watch the halftime activities. Lienne and Nishiya are participating because Nishiya thought it'd be a nice way to cheer her up. Whatever she and Todoroki talked about earlier made her extremely upset and Eros and Akaine didn't want to get in between them. They decided that they'd wait and save a seat for them when the tournament started. The girls come out in cheerleader outfits and I immediately look away, thinking they wouldn't like me looking, although, Hagakure looks amazing in that outfit. She looks great in everything, now that I think about it. I guess floating clothes are just cute to me for whatever reason. Anyways, I end up looking to a set of empty seats and see Endeavor talking to my mom. I ignore it for now, but I will ask Mom what they were talking about.

Hisaki nudges me and points down to Nishiya and Lienne. To my surprise, they've also changed into the cheerleader outfits for some reason. The girls do little cheers and dances too in sync not to be coordinated, then give the spotlight to the others. Lienne and Nishiya seemed happy down there, so Eros, Hisaki, and I cheered her on. A few minutes later, the girls meet us up on the bleachers and we give them their seats. Not even a minute after that, Mom calls me, asking me to head to where she is. She says Endeavor wants to talk to me, but whatever he wants to say won't really matter to me. I have to, though, so I meet her at the bottom of the bleachers and she takes me to a hallway that leads to the outside.

Towering in front of me is the #2 hero himself, Enji Todoroki, or Endeavor. Whatever he wanted to talk about better be something worth my time. The tournament is about to start soon and I don't wanna miss a single fight. Endeavor stays silent, just glaring at me as I see my mother leave the area. Only then does he finally speak up.

"Nemuri's son," he says.

"Kayama Shizu," I correct him. "And I'd prefer if you called me Shizu, Endeavor."

"You're in the hero course with my son," he continues. "But just because you're her son, doesn't mean I'll allow you to be any higher than mine."

I roll my eyes. "This wasn't worth my time," I say, shoving my hand in my pocket.

"Don't speak to your elders in such a way, boy," he says. "In any case, Shoto is in a little rebellious phase and I want you to encourage my son to use his full power from now on."

"And what if I don't? What would you do to me, old man?" I smirk, crossing my arms.

He gives me an angry look that makes me just wanna laugh in his face. Everything about this guy is just so unlikeable. Why do Lienne and Eros admire him so much?

"You came out just like him," he says. "I doubt you use your fire either, right, Shizu?"

"I never told you my quirk. Did Mom?" I suddenly get a feeling of slight unease, as if I fear this guy. I shake it off, then continue. "Whatever. I won't do this. Whatever you did that makes him not want to use this quirk. He wants to say something to you and I highly suggest you listen."

"I'm his father. He should be the one listening to me," he says. "He should be grateful that I made him and gave him such an opportunity."

I roll my eyes once again. "So, he should be grateful you abused him?" I give him a glare, clearly expressing my anger towards him. "Stop trying to make him live your dream. If you want to be the number one hero, then actually try. Using your children will get you nowhere. Plus, we aren't even friends. I doubt he'd ever listen to me."

Endeavor narrows his eyes at me. Why does he think this'll work? He doesn't scare me anymore.

"Insolent child. You're just like your brother," he says.

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