8 - Un-Destiny's Child

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(Quera's POV)

"So, what are you doing here so late?" Eros asks Todoroki. She always has the happiest tone, but always the saddest eyes.

"Escaping my old man. What about you two?" He asks us.

"Running away from my dad," Eros answers.

"And I'm hiding from my dad," I say. "What a coincidence all three of us are out so late to be away from our fathers."

Eros smiles. "Just one thing we have in common." She giggles. "Hey, aren't you the son of #2 hero Endeavor, Todoroki?"

Todoroki nods. I guess I'm gauging this alone. "Why do you hate him so much, if I may ask?"

"Don't wanna talk about it," He says, coldly.

Eros gasps. "Hey, how about you hang out with us tonight," she suggests. "You know tomorrow isn't a school day, so we can rage."

"Woah, woah, woah, what do you mean rage?" I ask, maybe a bit more concerned than I should be.

Eros giggles, sweetly. "Let's do karaoke!"

"Karaoke?" I ask. "That sounds like fun, but I don't know if Todoroki would be okay with it."

"I'm sure he has an amazing voice," Eros says. "How about it, Todoroki?"

Todoroki nods, to my surprise. "Karaoke seems like fun."

"I thought you'd say no," I say, giggling. "Well, let's get going!"

"I'll stay only if you two don't go off giggling together," Todoroki adds, standing up.

Eros and I stand up, together. "We won't," we say in unison.

The three of us start heading to a nearby karaoke place. Ari gave me some money to go to use while I'm out, but not a bunch. I'm hoping we can split the money enough to pay for everything. Eros always has some money on her in case she ends up sleeping in the park again and needs to buy a hot dog. I don't know about Todoroki, though. He is the son of the #2 hero, so he must be at least a little bit wealthy. And by that, I mean his dad makes a lot of money. He has to have gotten his hands on some before he left.

We enter the karaoke place and they ask us how many people are in our party. We said three, as no one else was in our trio, but I think they're obligated to ask. They take us to a room and give us menus for food while we pass the screen around and register songs. I choose a personal favorites: Odd Future by UVERworld and The Day by Porno Graffiti. Don't question the names. Along with my music, there's also Lacrimosa by Mozart, Mind Brand by Maretu, Melody by Shion Tsuji, and Still Doll by Kanon Wakeshima. We shuffle the songs so we don't know who's singing in what order.

The first song that comes up is Mind Brand and Eros hops up and grabs the microphone to song. She smiles at the two of us and we watch her enthusiastically. At least, I do. It's hard to tell with Todoroki's blank look. The song starts up and I have to admit that it's something to rock out to. Meanwhile, Todoroki starts to order us some snacks. Eros' voice seems sweet and innocent when you first hear it, but hearing her say the first words of the song is like seeing a completely different side of her. You'd never expect her to swear but she said those words with so much confidence and ease that it sounds like she does it on the regular. Once she starts singing, both Todoroki and I immediately stop to listen. Her voice is so beautiful, despite the lyrics. It sounded like she really meant every single word. Just as the song ends, the waiter brings in our snacks. Eros excitedly grabs one and starts nibbling as the next song comes up.

I go up to the karaoke machine an grab the microphone. Odd Future is the next song, so I have to wait for the intro to finish before I can start singing. While that happens, I notice Shoto and Eros registering another song, then Eros giggling and whispering something to Todoroki. I would question it, but the real lyrics just kicked in, so I have to sing. I actually have quite a bit of fun singing and dancing along with the music as the others watch me. My dance moves are both dumb and terrible, but they're fun nonetheless. Once the song ends, we all decide to take a break to eat and chat. We all order an entree for ourselves and start to decide on dessert.

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