7 - To Live, To Love, and To Lie

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(Quera's POV)

After hanging out with Eros at the park, I start to walk home, slowly. Like her, I genuinely hate going home, not because of my family, but because my dad knows where we live. If he could get off his ass for once, he could just get up and visit us out of nowhere and then I'd have to face him and my horrible past. He wanted to keep us for himself as a secret weapon for the heroes, but he forgot that we're human. We still have wants and needs as a human does. It's dark and it's cold. I'm alone. There are some people out right now, whispering and giggling to each other. For a split second, I think: I wish I were them, but I throw away the thought immediately. Only my family will truly know who I am. No one else...

I pull my key out of my back pocket and unlock the door, then open it. Everything's normal and in order. My sister's asleep on the couch, probably tired from work. If she uses her quirk too much, she could become a hypersomniac. It's an actual side effect of her quirk - overexerting herself causes her to get so tired that she ends up sleeping for at the very least 36-48 hours. Closing the door behind myself, I start to hear things crashing against a door. The beautiful sound of my brother's tornado. He must've been extremely angry about today's break in. I didn't see my dad anywhere, but I'm absolutely sure he's behind this. I sigh and head into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I walk into my closet and scream as loud as I can, then slam my head on the wall. Surprisingly, that's all it took. Hanging out with Eros today actually helped me a bunch. Maybe Kusuke should come next time.

I slump down on the floor and sigh. I feel this is where it will all start. I don't know what it'll be, but my dad's starting to push dominoes and I feel I'm one of them. Whatever it is, I don't want to be a part of it. My dad is annoying as hell and it pisses me off. I hear a knock on the door. I push myself out of the closet and lay on my back, staring at the door.

"Come in," I yell. "I've had my tantrum."

A tired looking Adrianna enters my room and sits down and lifts my head into her lap. I smile at her. "What are you doing in the closet? Do we need to get new clothes? The last time you had a tantrum, you burned the closet down."

"No, I burned the closet down the day I came out of it. The last time I had a tantrum, I wrapped all the sheets around myself in a toga and grew myself out of them. It was oddly relaxing."

"Yeah and I had to work extra hard that day," she giggles. "So, how's UA? Make any friends? Any interesting characters?"

She cups my face in her hands and I close my eyes. "You shouldn't be using your quirk, sis, you were just sleeping on the couch earlier."

"And you screamed and woke me up," she responds. "Plus, I'm not using my quirk, you're just calm. Now, tell me about UA."

"You tell me."

She chuckles. "You know I never had a chance to go there." She pinches a few strands of my hair between her fingers. "I was always being trained to be a villain and you know I have to be brutally honest."

I smile and close my eyes. "Well, Hanaki and Akaine attend, along with that wretched rat boy. The worst part is that Nezumi is the only one who isn't in my class." I giggle.

"Tell me some good things. You know I strive off of positivity," she says, now running her fingers through my hair.

"Well, I met a cute girl named Eros-"

"Ooh, tell me more~"

"You'll know what I mean when you see her. She's like a precious cinnamon roll, and she always smells like one, too. But I fear she has something nagging her at home."

"Is a murder in order?" Ari jokes.

"I don't know yet," I smirk. "But for real... I really want to help her with whatever makes her choose to beg me to take her home with me."

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