38 - Arrival of the Big Three

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(Akaine's POV)

Last night was scary. Who would've known that Quera would have a night terror in the middle of the night? Not me, that's for sure. Bakugo and Midoriya went out really late for some reason, but I don't care about the reason why. I just kind of passed out immediately after laying down in my bed. I didn't even get my covers on. At least I managed to wrap up my wound before I went to sleep.

I head down to the bathroom to wash my face and remove and discard my bandages. On the way, I run into Shizu, who I walk with to the bathroom. He grabs his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth, while I unwrap my bandages. I push my hair aside and look at the red clump of sand and dried blood where my eye used to be. It's an injury I sustained from using my quirk too much. I got mad at a teacher and, unleashing a power I didn't even know I had, I reduced her to only photons. Coincidentally, that was the moment my quirk had manifested. After that, no one even tried to get on my nerves. I didn't like being feared.

I splash some water on my face, then start cleaning the wound. There's only some excess grains of sand dried into it left, so it's not too hard to clean. Plus, I believe that I can heal my eye if I keep at least most of the sand. So any sand that comes out of my eye and doesn't go down the drain goes into the bag. It also keeps the drain from clogging. Afterwards, I properly wash my face and brush my teeth, then head out for breakfast. Soon, we're all walking to an assembly to start off our second semester. Iida's keeping us in line like a good class rep should. Good on him! Principal Nezu starts it off with a speech.

"I there! It's the adorable small mammal you all know and love, the principal!" He says. "You may notice the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality. I haven't been taking care of it."

And... He continues going on about our fur. We listen on as his speech gets a bit more serious, warning of the danger our extracurricular activities can bring. Turns out, this fur speech was just to encourage us. Vlad King brings our attention to Mr. Hound Dog, who just barks at is, viciously. I think he needs a bit more help than Bakugo. He then warns us about the people who were fighting last night. Then, we're dismissed. We head back to class.

"Okay," Mr. Aizawa says to us. "Starting todaay, we will resume our regular classes and training schedule. I know a lot has happened recently, however, you need to switch gears and focus on your school duties. We're lecturing today, but this semester, you'll have even harsher training than before."

Mina whispers something to Tsu, which tips him off just a little bit. Then, Tsu raises her hand.

"Excuse me, sir. May I ask a question? What were those things the principal was talking about during the opening ceremonies? I've never hear the term 'hero work studies' before."

Took the words right out of all of our mouths the way she always does. Seems Tsu thinks a lot.

"I was planning to talk more about those at a later date, but I guess telling you now is more logical," he says. "To put it simply, it's work outside of class. Like the internships you did at pro hero agencies before, only closer to the real thing."

I hope I get to do one. My mom's always wanted to become a pro hero, but she was too sickly to do so, plus everyone said her quirk wasn't strong enough to do so. Mr. Aizawa goes into a bit more detail about the work studies, then lets Present Mic in for our first lesson. After school, Shizu and Eros lock themselves in their rooms to study. I stay in the common area, where a bunch of the students are either teasing Bakugo or giving their trash to Midoriya for them to take out. Others are just complaining about the classes. To my surprise, Iida's actually making fun of Midoriya and calling him "house arrest" for some reason.

Midoriya returns to class three days later. He's extremely pumped. Midoriya's return lets us get into more detail about work studies. In order to do that, Mr. Aizawa lets in three people, one guy who actually looks like a hero, a girl with very innocent eyes, and an extremely nervous looking guy. Poor thing. These are the big three, third years at the top of their class. Basically heroes already. I fix my hair over my eye to better conceal the wound and fold my hands on my desk. These three are people I've looked up to for quite a while. Mr. Aizawa tells them to introduce themselves and the nervous guy gives us a very intense look. I back away a little.

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