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She feels so bad for lying to everyone else about her pregnancy. They are really gentle with her, including Chan. She's forgiven him and now they started talking again.

"Hey.. What are you thinking so deeply about? I've been calling you 5 times.." He hugs her from the back and she stands on the balcony.

"I just feel so guilty lying to them. I'm not pregnant anymore." He looks at her.

"We could always make our own baby. I mean, there's nothing wrong about it. We're already married." She just shyly hits his chest and he laughs.

"Like.. Stop. Okay?" She slams her face on his shoulder. He hugs her tighter when the cold afternoon breeze blew past them.

"You like it anyways."

Night came. Seungcheol and Simon gave them a little gift. It was a scent humidifier. Let's just say, those Kings wanted some spicyness.

Hansol lost control of himself once the air seemed funny to him. Y/N became submissive. You know what happened next.


Hansol, as always woke up first. His mind tracing back to what the heck happened last night. Then it dawned into him.

His eyes found themselves looking at his sleeping wife. She was damn good last night- Hansol! Seriously, these kind of thoughts when you just woke up in the morning.

They officially made love for the first time as husband and wife. Though, they weren't in a clear state of mind, they were still the one in control of their actions, the mere scent from last night only stimulated the sexual need.

"Hey.. Sleepyhead, wake up.. We need to go and get ready for today." She shakes her head no, cowering in his bare chest to hide against the early morning sunlight.

"I'm tired.." His chest gently vibrated at her voice muffled against it. He just laughs and readjusted the blanket as they both shivered. "Cold.. Gib cuddles."

He moved her head to his right shoulder with their arms around each other's body, legs tangled under the blanket to share body heat as much as possible.

"My Prince? Good morning, King Simon would like your presence for a morning run along with King Seungcheol and Crown Prince Hoshi."
He hears his personal guard speak on the other side of the door.


"Noooo, don't go! Stay here with me and cuddle!" She grumbles and cries. Whining, clutching unto Hansol tightly. He just smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You heard that? Tell them My Wife doesn't want me to go and have a morning run." He laughs when she she smiles and nods satisfied. Rubbing her nose against his jaw.

"But it's the King-"

"You go ahead and tell my Father, Hansol isn't moving in this bed unless I say so! Seriously, why do you people wake up so early? If he disagrees, his daughter will have to murder his precious rabbits and cook them for stew!"


"My King, Princess Alistair doesn't allow Prince Hansol to move in bed and go with you. She said he will not move unless she says so, and that if you disagree, she'll kill your rabbits and make them for stew."

Seungcheol held his breath. "I just wanted a morning run and chat. Why's she getting so mad?"

"I wouldn't let you disturb me and Princess' morning cuddles as well, Father." Hoshi laughs. Seungcheol hits his arm. "Ow-"

"Does she have to include my rabbits?" Hoshi shrugs.

"Well, I guess she will. She said so, didn't she? And you know that if she threatens, she'll do it."

𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐄𝐳𝐫𝐞𝐧•{𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮}Where stories live. Discover now