Chapter • Eight

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Ellerie's POV
I woke up with a pounding headache. I barely remember anything from last night after playing flip cup. I had the craziest dream last night that I made out with Luke in my room and he gave me a hoodie.

As I became more aware of what was happening I realized I was holding the hand of an arm that was draped around me. I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Luke Hughes. Luke Hughes was sleeping in my bed and holding my hand.

I looked down to see I was wearing a University of Michigan hoodie. Then it hit me. Last night wasn't a dream. I made out with Luke. Luke Hughes kissed me. I KISSED LUKE HUGHES. Oh my gosh I need to find Ryland. But I didn't want to get up.

A few minutes later Luke started moving. He wrapped his arm around my waist. He turned towards me and slowly opened his eyes. He looked down at me and looked shocked for a second.

"Morning Ellie." He said in a raspy voice. His morning voice is so hot what the heck.

"Good morning Lu." I answered. He looked down at me and laughed.

"What?" I asked feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming." He said pulling me closer to him.

"I thought I was dreaming too." I chucked.

"Well I'm glad it's real." He said leaning in to kiss me.

After we pulled away I looked at him as cute as I could.

"What do you want?" He looked at me.

"Who says I want anythingggg." I laughed.

"You looked at me like you want something." He responded.

"Can you pleaseeeee get the advil from my bathroom?" I asked sweetly.

"Sure Ellie." He laughed getting up.

He came back holding advil and a cup of water. He handed it to me and went to put a shirt on.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me. "I don't think anyone else is up."

"I mean not really but I'll come with you to get food." I answered him.

"Alrighty I'll drive." He said helping me out of the bed.

"Wait I have to make it look like I have pants on." I laughed looking down at his hoodie that went almost to my knees.

"Nah your good." He said grabbing my hand. "I think you look cute."

"Ok." I smiled while we walked down the stairs. He led me out to his car.

He opened the door for me and closed it once I was in

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He opened the door for me and closed it once I was in. I didn't know someone could be such a gentleman.

"Alright where to?" He asked me.

"I don't care." I said looking out the window. "I'm not going to eat."

I just looked out the window and held my hands in my lap. No one really knows but I struggle with an eating disorder. It started because my step mom isn't the nicest human on the planet and likes to tell me I'm fat and not fit and things like that. I don't really like talking about it or thinking about it and maybe Luke caught on to that because instead of asking me a question he said that I could have aux.

I decided to play my country music playlist. Happy Hour came on and Luke and I started singing along. He opened the windows and the sun roof. I honestly was just falling harder for this boy as we got closer.

Young Wild and Free came on next and Luke just put his hand on my thigh as we drove down country roads.

We pulled up to Dunkin' and Luke ordered his food and even though I said I didn't want anything he ordered me a small iced vanilla coffee.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I said holding his hand.

"I know you said you didn't want anything, but every girls likes Dunkin' iced coffee." He smiled at me.

"Thank Lu." I said as we started the drive home.

We had also picked up three dozen donuts and some bagels. I had a coffee machine at the lake house so we didn't need to get any coffee. We just enjoyed our ride home together laughing about Sasha when he's drunk and sharing memories from years past.

We got home and we both brought in the donuts and bagels for everyone.

"Yes you got food!" Dylan said from the island.

"Dude stop talking so loud." Sasha complained.

"I'm not Pastujov, maybe you shouldn't get so drunk next time." Dylan responded grabbing to donuts.

"Here Sash." I said handing him water and a bottle of Advil.

"Thanks Elle." He said taking the things from me.

I walked over to my coffee brewer and started a large pot of coffee.

"Does anyone want coffee?" I asked Dylan, Sasha, Tyler, Hadley and Carter.

A few of them said yes so I grabbed mugs and made them coffee.

I walked into the TV room and found Jake and Jake on the couch watching sponge bob.

"Really guys?" I laughed. "Sponge bob?"

"Hey this is top tier comedy." Jake defended.

"Ok, whatever you say." I rolled my eyes. "Do either of you want coffee?"

"Sure." Jack answered.

"Yes please." Jake responded

I passed out the coffees then went upstairs to find Ryland and Mari. I heard talking behind the door of the room they were staying in. I knocked on the door and I heard Mari say she was coming.

"Hey we were just talking about you." Mari said bluntly.

"Oh great." I said.

"No no. It's all good things." Ryland said as she sat on her bed.

"Oh ok.." I said trailing off.

"Anyways," Mari said "spill."

K I S S • L. HughesWhere stories live. Discover now