Chapter 6 - Sanity

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"Beep. Beep. Beep."

"So annoying."

Naruto looked up from beneath his hands, staring at Ino Yamanaka's unconscious figure on the hospital bed. He looked back down.

"Damn it. Damn it. damn it."

The door opened as Shikamaru and Choji cam in, throwing glances at Naruto who ignored their presence.

"Ino...." Choji frowned at the girl's unconscious figure.

" long have you been here?" Shikamaru asked.

Naruto groaned in response.

Shikamaru sighed. "What a drag....Let's go, Choji."

Naruto eyed them in between his fingers as the door closed.

Naruto walked through the streets.

He could clearly hear the whispers around.

"Hey, have you heard? The demon brat let the Yamanaka heiress get hurt."

"No, no, they said he was the one who wanted to kill her, Inuzuka-san saved her from the demon brat."

Twitch. Twitch. He got that feeling again

He wanted to twist. Snap. Break.

Stab, cut, kill...kill...kill...kill....

"Hey, you see the demon?"

"Yeah, look at him..."

"We'll get killed by him one day..."

"Yeah," Naruto turned to the woman who flinched.


"I'll kill you someday," Naruto said, excitement clearly shown on his face. "It's a promise, ne?"

"L-Lets go...."

The smile left Naruto's face, his face turning into a scowl.

"Damn them.....shut up...."


"Shut up..."




"I said..."

He growled.

He screamed.

And he ran, clutching his head.

Laughter could be heard in the corner of an alley. Insane, excited. "Kill...yeah, I'll kill them all...."

Heartbroken laughter. Chuckles. Escaping soft lips.

"They hurt me first...."

"It hurts so much...."

Voice cracking, tears falling.

"It still hurts..."

Dark, it was so dark. Everything is black.

Noises, he could hear.

His heart felt warm.

He liked this feeling.

Splashing noises, he could hear.

Two children's laughter.

One he knew all too good, his best friend Kiba's laughter.

And the other....

So familiar.

He couldn't recall who it is.

That warm feeling was replaced with raging flames.

Twitch. Twitch. 

His hand moved upwards, fingers twitching. It was that feeling again.

He spun his hand.

Twist, twist.

He wanted to twist something.

He clenched his fist and turned his hand to the other side.

His eyes widened, him beaming at the sudden realization.


He wanted to snap that boy's neck.

He wanted to kill that boy. 

Out of disgust, hatred, anger.

His grin spread wider as he felt blood drop on his chin.

Not his.

He chuckled.

Those chuckles turned into full blown laughter.

"Hey, Naruto," Kiba called, knocking on the door. "...Naruto!"

"Yeah, ye- oh Kiba," Naruto blinked, flashing a grin at Akamaru before turning back to Kiba. "What is it?"

"Uh, nothing, can I come in?" Kiba asked, smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, sure," Naruto pulled open the door as Kiba stepped in. "Sorry it's messy. I've never really been able to clean it since I became a genin."

"Nah, I'm okay with it," Kiba jolted upwards as he stepped on a plastic bag. "You weren't kidding when you said it's messy..." He sweatdropped.

"So? What brings you here?" Naruto asked as he pulled a cup of ramen with 'KUP RAMEN!' written on it. 

"No, no, no, no ramen," Kiba shook his head. "Especially Kup Ramen. We've been eating that same brand for YEARS."

Naruto shrugged. "It's good.

Kiba sighed. "You really need to clean your room someday."

"You came here just to tell me that?" Naruto deadpanned.

"Nah, nah," Kiba stared outside the window. "The view's quite nice from here."

He stood up with a groan and flipped around Naruto's tiny apartment. "Eh?"

Pulling out a weird looking seemingly cardboard hat thing, he snickered. "Wait, wait, Naruto- Is this that cardboard Hokage hat we made a few months after I met Shikamaru and fatty? I can't believe you haven't thrown this away!"

Naruto laughed. "Yeah..."

"Should I take this out? I mean, just looking at it makes me cringe," Kiba eyed the 'hat'. "We even thought that two people could be Hokage at the same time, that's just stupid."

"Nah, just leave it there," Naruto nodded towards a pile of full boxes.

"I just- place it on the top?" Kiba asked, earning another nod.

"Here- I found some cookies," Naruto placed a plate of cookies on the table. "Want some?"


"So....Why did you come here?"

"You know, just checking up on you cause I was bored...and...." Kiba trailed off as he stared into Naruto's eyes. "Fine," He sighed. "I've heard the rumours spreading on the okay?"

Akamaru walked towards Naruto, licking his hand.

"Yeah, I am," Naruto nodded, ruffling Akamaru's fur. "You didn't have to come here just for that."

"No, seriously, Naruto. They talk about you as if you were some kind of criminal, some kind of, demon," Kiba's face scrunched up in disgust. Naruto flinched slightly. "I never knew those civilians were....ugh."

There was silence.

"You know, Naruto. It's not your fault right? It's those rogue ninjas' fault."

"Yeah, I know."

"..." Kiba frowned. "Um....I'll be going...then."

"Yeah, bye. Have a nice day."

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