Chapter 14

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Akari (POV)
My snakes slowly recede back to me and all three separate just like I said. Jugo's curse markings recedes as well and he goes back to normal. He begins to scream and runs into the nearest room and slams the door shut.
Jugo- Hurry up and lock the door!
Akari- Jugo......We come in peace. We're only here to free you. Come out of the room please.
Suigetsu- I think he's too frightened.
Karin- You're wrong. That's not it at all.
Jugo- I don't want to kill anymore people and if I go outside this place, I will. I'm begging you! Just leave me alone! Please!
Suigetsu- Well that's some split personality right there.
Karin- I told you. Jugo succumbs to his murderous urges and me becomes someone else. He loses control of himself. But the truth is, he'd actually rather not kill.
Jugo- I don't know when I'll lose control and kill someone again so put the lock on the door and leave me be!
Suigetsu- I don't think Jugo's going to work out guys. We're constantly going to have to watch our backs around him in case he starts to lose control.
Jugo- Who the hell are you people anyway? I just want to be left alone!
I walk up to the door and press my hands up against it.
Akari- Jugo Orochimaru is dead. I killed my father. This place is utterly destroyed. If you stay here, you'll be dead as well.
Jugo- I don't care. At least then I won't be able to kill anybody else.
Akari- Don't worry about that. Sasuke and I will be your cage. We can keep you under control.
Jugo- There's nothing you can do. Only one person could subdue my impulses. Kimimaro. Without Kimimaro, I won't leave.
Suigetsu- Wait Kimiaro?
Nakano- Isn't he the guy from the Kaguya clan?
Karin- Yeah. Of all the people here, Jugo and Kimimaro were Orochimaru's favorites. They were kept here together in this hideout out for live experimentation. And Kimimaro was very strong. He was the only person who could stop Jugo's violent rampages without hurting him.
Suigetsu- But I thought Kimimaro was.....Isn't he dead?
Karin- Yes. I heard his sickness finally took in the middle of a battle against Gaara of the Sand.
Sasuke- Jugo, you should know Kimimaro died for me and for Akari. He's gone.
Jugo- Wait if he did that for you, then you must really be Sasuke Uchiha and Akari Yashagorō.
Sasuke- That's right.
Jugo- So you've come.
The door opens and Jugo comes out. Without a word, he follows out of this hideout. Once outside, Sasuke and I look over our team.
Sasuke- Good. Now that we've gathered the perfect team, here it is. This is my plan as well as Akari's. My ultimate goal is to kill Itachi Uchiha of the Akatsuki.
Suigetsu- I thought you were going to say that.
Akari- My Ultimate goal beside killing my father is to take out Kyoko Uchiha who's also in the Akatsuki. I need to kill her in order to protect someone. Now, in order to achieve both of our goals, we're going to need y'all's help. But then again, it is up to you.
Sasuke- Karin, you said you had something to do. Decide.
Karin- Uh well on second thought, that other thing is not really that important.
Nakano- Could you just tell the truth to the guy please? The only thing you're interested in is being around Sasuke cause you got a little crush on him is that it?
Karin- What?! No! That's just ridiculous! You're ridiculous!
Suigetsu- What Nakano said is right. Why else would you be getting all flustered right now? I know the truth you know. About how long you wanted Sas-
Karin decks Suigetsu in the face and his face turns to water.
Karin- Ugh!
Sasuke- Suigetsu, don't get Karin worked up. Didn't I tell you to try to get along?
Suigetsu- (face rematerializes) Alright I will. Hate me all you want Karin but I'm sticking like glue to Sasuke. I ain't going anywhere. At least I am until I locate another of the Seven Hidden Mist blades. I'm on the hunt for Kisame Hoshigaki's giant sword. The Sharkskin: Samehada.
Karin- So you're collecting a bunch of big swords? How boring,
Nakano- Well my ass is staying parked within this group. Do you know how much fighting we're going to get to do? All the powerful shinobi we're going to go up against? Against the Akatsuki no less. Fighting and eventually name recognition across nations. Sounds like a good time to me. What about you Jugo.
Jugo- Kimimaro said he considered you his reincarnation Sasuke. And sacrificed his life to protect you. He also said that his purpose after the rescue was to serve the daughter of Orochimaru. And that just so happens to be you Akari. So I want to see what kind of shinobi you two really are. With my own eyes.
Akari- Then everything is locked and loaded. Now that we're a team, we all move together as one.
Sasuke- From this point on, we'll be known as the Hebi. The Hebi has only one goal. Kyoko Uchiha. Itachi Uchiha.
Back in the Hidden Leaf Village
Itsuki (POV)
Kaito, Sakura, Naruto, and myself got called into Tsunade's office. She just now told us that Akari killed Orochimaru with the help of Sasuke. But the thing is, they're not coming back home.
Naruto- What are they thinking?! Why won't they come home?
Jiraiya- Sasuke is obsessed with vengeance and Akari has a unique and warped way of thinking that revolves around you Itsuki. We believe that they intend to approach the Akatsuki to kill Sasuke's older brother Itachi Uchiha and then go after your sister Itsuki, Kyoko Uchiha.
Naruto- That whole thing again? Damn it!
Tsunade- You've been quiet this entire time Itsuki. What are you thinking?
Itsuki-..........I'm not all that really surprised. I knew one way or another, Orochimaru would die sooner rather than later to Akari's hand. I also knew that they're going to go after Itachi and Kyoko no matter what. So that being said, the Operation to locate Akatsuki members is still active. To get Sasuke and Akari, we have to get our brand new targets. Target confirmed. Itachi Uchiha and Kyoko Uchiha. Well well well. Looks like I'll be seeing my sis very very soon.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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