Chapter 6

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Itsuki (POV)
Shikamaru ended up beating the other Akatsuki and Naruto beat the other one. Fudo unfortunately escaped but I have yet to tell anyone how. Everyone except Gin. All of us arrived back in the Leaf Village around dusk and here we are in Tsunade's office giving a summary of the mission.
Tsunade- Well done everyone. But it's not time to celebrate just yet. Not when there are still more of the Akatsuki at large. Naruto. Itsuki. Those wounds of yours.
Naruto- Yeah I know right. Kinda like a badge of honor.
Itsuki- This ain't nothing.
Sakura- We gave them some preliminary treatment to stabilize them.
Tsunade- Make sure they get to the hospital for a full examination.
Naruto- It's ok. Really I'm fine.
Itsuki- Yeah you're worrying too much.
Sakura gets Naruto in a headlock and starts knocking him upside the head. Kaito does the same to me.
Kaito- Don't you worry Lady Fifth. I'll make sure he gets there right Itsuki.
Itsuki- Aw come on! Is this really necessary bro? You're a pain in the ass sometimes!
Tsunade- (sighs) As for the rest of you, I order you take a few days off. Give your minds and bodies a rest. Dismissed.
Gin (POV)
Everyone leaves the office except me.
Tsunade- You noticed it right?
Gin- If you're referring to Itsuki's burn on his right hand, yes I have noticed.
Shizune- And Naruto's wound as well.
Tsunade- What do you suppose it could be?
Shizune- Never seen anything like it.
Tsunade-.......Is there any news regarding the corpse of the Akatsuki Kakashi brought back?
Shizune- Yes. I am being told that it's being examined at this very moment.
Tsunade- Tell whoever is in charge there, that examination needs to be their top priority.
Shizune- Yes milady.
Shizune leaves the office and it's just Tsunade and I.
Tsunade- And then there were two.
I exit through the side door and look over the balcony. Tsunade's footsteps follow me and her arms wrap around me from behind.
Tsunade- What's wrong?
Gin- What do you mean?
Tsunade- You've had this serious look on your face the entire time you were in my office. Like you were thinking about something.
Gin-.............Itsuki told me something that's really got me thinking.
Tsunade- And what would that be?
Gin- As we were departing to the village, he pulled me aside to talk to me alone. He had thus look of fear and shock on his face. He told me that Fudo escaped but there was another Akatsuki that showed up. Apparently this Akatsuki sucked Fudo up and put him somewhere somehow because Itsuki told me the guy warped space somehow.
Tsunade- The hell?
Gin- That's not even the most concerning part.  The concerning part was that this Akatsuki was a male and he had a mask covering his face except for an eye sized hole. Through the hole Itsuki said that this man had a Sharingan.
Tsunade- What?! Are you sure he's telling the truth?!
Gin- Itsuki has no reason to lie about this. He said this guy didn't sound anything like Itachi or Sasuke. And the only other people to have Sharingan are myself and the other remaining Uchiha. Kakashi is a special case. So I was thinking that if it ain't Kyoko, Itachi, or Sasuke, then there's another Uchiha out there working under the Akatsuki banner. But who?
Orochimaru (POV)
Orochimaru- So Hidan and Kakuzu are dead eh? And Fudo barely escaped with his life.
Kabuto- Yes. It seems they were defeated by Naruto and Itsuki. We thought they would take out some more of the Akatsuki if we allowed them to live. Looks like we made a wise decision.
Orochimaru- Yes not bad at all. I'm sure the Akatsuki never imagined in their worst nightmares losing two of their members in one blow. Almost three. It must be very disappointing for them. Still, they do possess the Two Tails. We really must do everything we can to thin out their ranks even more. And what about the boy and my daughter? Are they coming along well?
Kabuto- The boy yes. The girl I would assume so. She's been locked inside her training room for days now but last I heard, she's still training hard. I've planned the final test for a few days from now. But looking at the data, there should be no problem.
Orochimaru- I look forward to it.
Orochimaru *mind*- It won't be long now until the final step can be taken. But for that, it's essential that we have one more pawn.
In the hospital
Itsuki (POV)
My right arm had medical ninjutsu used on it, now I'm in a cast. Kaito and Eliane have yet to leave the room.
Kaito- Hey Itsuki?
Itsuki- Yeah?
Kaito- That new jutsu of yours, it's only a last resort thing right?
Itsuki- Storm Scorch Style: Crimson Phoenix Chidori is one of the biggest jutsus I have in my arsenal alongside my Susanoo. Sure I'm in the hospital now, but I can't help but feel accomplished. Like, I just created a jutsuthat only I can use and it seems like we're slowly getting closer and closer to Akari.
Itsuki *mind*- You see that Akari? I'm getting stronger. I'm finally catching up. It won't be as long as last time when we see each other again. Until then, wait for me. I'm coming for you.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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