Chapter 1

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Kaito (POV)
I'm in Lord Hokage's office with Sakura giving our report on Itsuki and Naruto.
Tsunade- So tell me. How are Naruto's and Itsuki's training coming along?
Sakura- Well according to Kakashi sensei, Naruto has finally grasped the principles. He should only require a little more time to perfect it.
Tsunade- I see. And what if Itsuki?
Kaito- Well ma'am, I did a sneaking to observe how my best friend was doing and let me tell you this, that jutsu of his is something else. But that's not the only thing. Apparently Itsuki has unlocked some new ability for his Mangekyō Sharingan. Gin and Itsuki were working pretty heavily on that when I left. I'd say a bit more time and Itsuki is ready to go.
Tsunade- Hmmm. That is really interesting to here. That boy did always know how come up with some the craziest stuff. And with Gin by his side all this time, oh boy, people better watch out.
Sakura- On that note milady, now that Kakashi and Reo sensei have joined up with Team 10, I think Team 7 and Team 11 are the best teams to send after them. My team and Kaito's team. Because we've worked so closely with them in the past. We're the best choice.
Tsunade- Very sharp you two. Just what I'd expect.
Shizune- However, we have no way of knowing when Naruto and Itsuki will perfect their new jutsu and skills. Perhaps we should send a different squad.
Tsunade-........Sakura. Kaito. Pass this on please. Tell Yamato and Gin to have Naruto and Itsuki to wrap it up within the next twenty four hours. And tell them if they can't do that, I'll have to send different squads as backup.
SI- Right!
Sakura and I leave the office and depart with our orders.
Reo (POV)
We're going over Shikamaru's strategy.
Kakashi- Okay Shikamaru. Tell us that strategy of yours.
Shikamaru- Actually, I'd like to tweak it a little now that you're with us Kakashi sensei and Reo sensei.
Reo- No problem. Go ahead.
Shikamaru- I'll break it down to pieces with variations so listen carefully everybody. Memorize it.
Itsuki (POV)
Kaito showed during my training and gave me the current situation.
Itsuki- So that's why Reo sensei never came back.
Kaito- Yeah. He along with Kakashi sensei just left at the break of dawn today.
Gin- I see. And what did Tsu Tsu say about us two?
Kaito- She agreed at us along with Team 7 will be the best squad to provide backup. And that's the plan currently unless you Itsuki can't master your jutsu and other skills within the next twenty four hours.
Itsuki- Master my jutsu and other skill huh?
Gin- Just one full day huh?
Itsuki goes and takes a swing of water and turns back to us with his Mangekyō Sharingan out.
Itsuki- Well big brother, what are we waiting for? Let's get down to business and get this done right.
Back with Team 10
Reo (POV)
Shikamaru just finished wrapping up his plan.
Shikamaru- So that's the plan. (Hands Kakashi a tiny bottle) Use this when you get a chance Kakashi sensei. Please hold onto it until then.
Kakashi- Understood. I'm impressed by how much you've learned about your opponent and from one encounter.
Shikamaru- Well, the other guy's powers are still a mystery and the only thing we got for Fudo is that he's really fast. But this the best plan I could come up with given the limit information that we have. Once you've got it clear in your minds, run throughout a mental simulation of it at least three times. That's important because as you guys know, visualization training can make all the difference.
Choji- Yeah.
Ino- All right.
Reo- Welm okay. Let's get this done.
Ino- Right.
Shikamaru- Now then, the first thing we have to do is pick up their trail.
Choji- Their trail? Oh yeah. You mean go back and find the path they took between the Fire Temple and the Collection Office.
Ino- That's right. We might be able to get their footprints and scent from the trail they used.
Shikamaru- Well I don't know about that. I'm not sure that's the easiest way.
Kakashi- Let's give it a shot.
ISC- Right.
Kyoko (POV)
The extraction of Two Tails is has just come to its end.
Pain (spectral)- Now the Two Tails has been sealed away as well.
Kyoko (spectral)- That leaves five more to go.
Hidan (spectral)- Finally.
Kakuzu (spectral)- Let's go to the Leaf Hidan.
Deidara (spectral)- The Leaf? Kakuzu. Hidan. If you're really headed for the Leaf, a word of warning hmmm. There's a Jinchūriki there named Naruto Uzumaki. And you already know the Jinchūriki Itsuki Uchiha. Be careful if you run into either of them hmm.
Hidan (spectral)- Oh is that right? So says the little weakling who failed so miserably and had to have his own arm reattached by Kakuzu. Plus your partner got killed by Itsuki. Goes to show how weak Sasori was.
Kakuzu (spectral) - Well on one thing, it's better to lose an arm than a head.
Fudo (spectral)- You did get your head chomped off.
Hidan (spectral)- What?! Hey Kakuzu. Fudo. Who's side are you guys on anyway? Hey I thought we were partners. Partners are supposed to-
Fudo (spectral)- Shut up Hidan. I am no partner of yours. This is just something I have to do to get the Seven Tailed Two Headed Wolf.
Fudo looks to me.
Fudo (spectral)- I shall be back with your milady (bows).
Kyoko (spectral)- Do what you need to do.
Fudo (spectral) Yes ma'am.
Hidan, Kakuzu, and Fudo fade away.
Fudo (POV)
We awaken and begin to move around.
Hidan- Three whole days without moving. I am so ready to rampage. Now, where's that cash cow?
Kakuzu and begin walking in the opposite direction.
Hidan- Hey what're you doing? The collection office is the other way.
Fudo- Hidan you're seriously an idiot.
Hidan- Hey!
Fudo- They'll be expecting just that. Do you really want to walk into an ambush? The answer is no. This time around, we'll find another way into the Leaf. Besides, we're after the Jinchūriki. Plus the one with the bounty is dead and his corpse has probably been picked up by his comrades. So, let's go.
Indigo: That's The end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. I honestly didn't know that 200 parts per book was the max. I expected to put everything all in that one book but I guess not. So here's this to continue on with the story. Anyway, I'll see you guys later indigo fam. Peace.

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