Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Classes went by smoothly. Although Mason wasn't in my classes because he had a tour to do around the US. When lunch time had rolled around I decided to try to find Zane but he was no where to be seen. I asked everyone I knew if they had seen him and the either replied with: yes he was walking around campus. Or no I haven't sorry.

Frustrated after an hours worth of looking for him I had given up. Airlia walked me to my next classes after lunch had ended. She strode us right up to Blade. Which I wasn't too happy about, but Airlia's friends were mine so I had to get used to it. Even if I didn't want to.

She stared at me with a stern face. Did she ever smile? I guessed not because I had never even seen her teeth. Airlia spoke to her about something that didn't have my interest.

Tuning my attention towards the room I scanned every face, looking for one in particular. Zane, but he was no where in sight. I sighed as I turned back to Airlia and Blade. Their conversation had just finished when Airlia grabbed my arm and pulled me towards one of the rooms that I had never noticed before.

Confused I asked, "why are we going this way? I'm supposed to train with different weapons." I looked around, everyone seemed to be going the same direction that Airlia was pulling me.

She shook her head. "Today we are doing something different." Her face had suddenly became hard as stone as she continued to pull me through the doors. Observing the room I noticed that it was set up like a theater. There was a stage and seats that could fit more than a million people.

I looked up at Airlia questioningly but decided not to say anything as she lead me to a set of seats. Waiting for everyone to pile in I continued to gaze around the massive room. Everyone seemed to hold the same expressions. Hard as stone, and like me confused and at awe at the massive size of the room. Examining their faces I could tell who were seniors and who were juniors like me. More observation told me that there were teachers in the mix of students. Weird.

After several more moments the lights dimmed and everyone hushed at the same time. I had never seen such a quiet crowed before. Someone could drop a paperclip from the other side of the room and I would be able to hear it.

A lady with a purple shirt and black skirt strode onto the stage. Her heels clicking as she made her way to the middle of the black floor.

She pulled out a mic and held it up to her red lips. "Most of you know what recently happened." Her voice boomed throughout the large room. Echoing off every wall. "The rest of you don't. The ones that don't are here to learn about what happened to your race and how to prevent it. And the ones that do are going to learn how to prevent that from ever happening."

Someone sat next to me and I didn't need to know who they were; because right when they sat down I knew that smell. Zane. I had to resist the urge to turn around to stare at him.

The lady continued. "A couple of Hunters were on a mission to kill a Vampire that had been spotted in their area when a Shadow Vampire caught them off by surprise." This earned gasps from half of the crowd. Continued with an uprising of murmurs. The lady held the mic closer to her mouth so that she could be heard over the roaring noise.

"We dont' know who this Shadow Vampire is. And there was no evidence of them. So we want to warn you guys when you do your hunting assignment that you will now be equipped with two hunters. One in training and the other an experienced." She paused for only a moment, but that was enough to have a person shout over the again rising crowd.

"What if that isn't enough?" On that note the crowd got even louder, to the point where the lady's voice couldn't be heard in the mix of voices. Airlia stayed quiet and I didn't have enough courage to glance in Zane's way.

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