part 6: the plan

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Regulus' pov:
'Oi! Twat! Come with me!' Sirius yelled, ruining my peace and quiet.

'Wha-' I tried to ask but he just covered my mouth and pulled me towards james' room. What's he doing? He knows that I have a crush on james. What is he doing?!

He put me in the room, careful to not be too aggressive and trigger me. 'Right, so you two will be locked in here until you finally start dating.' He said once his boyfriend bought james in.

What the fuck is he doing?! He cannot do this to me! I'm gonna fucking murder him when I get out.

As soon as I heard the door lock, I stood up and walked towards the window. I used to sneak out of my window all the time. I know, I know. Perfect regulus black not so perfect after all. But this window shouldn't be too difficult.

'What are you trying to do?' James asked quietly.

'Get out, obviously.' I said in a condescending manner.

'How do you know how to sneak out?' He asked chuckling to himself, clearly thinking this was my first time.

'Right, I'm gonna tell you something I've never told anyone and you cant tell anyone not even Sirius. Swear?' I said

'I swear.' He replied.

'After being beaten by my parents I would be locked in my room for days. My friends started finding ways to communicate with me and eventually would find ways to sneak in. Then, they would park around the corner and send me a patronus and I would leave for at least 2 days. That was the minimum amount of time I'd be locked in my room for.' I explained, the whole time he was looking at me in awe.

'I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that at so young.' He said, sympathetically. 'Can I ask another question?'

'You dont need to ask if you can ask a question, just ask.' I said stepping down from the window. I think I knew what was coming but I was hoping that it wasnt what I thought it was gonna be.

'Why do you smoke?' There it was. The questions I really didnt want to answer.

'It's kind of a long story, still wanna know?' I asked as he nodded and patted the bed next to him, signalling I sit. 'Okay, well, it started when I started to sneak out. I became numb and didnt know what to do so I started drinking when I was out. That was fun and all but eventually it didnt make me feel happy anymore, so I started smoking. That made me feel something. But not the kind of something I wanted so I turned to drugs. It was never anything bad. Some acid snd molly here and there. Then I got addicted to weed. It was taking over my life and I couldnt stop smoking it so I started to mix it with baccy to make it less strong to help me quit and I would put less and less in until I was back to just smoking baccy but I cant stop smoking because I tried that and that's when I went back to the drugs.' I finished.

'I'm sorry about that, but you sound like you've had some fun from something that was meant to be a punishment of being locked in your room. What was it like when you did molly? I've always wondered.' He asked. He sounded actually interested. Not many people were Interested in me.

'Well I think when I was pinging was the worst yet I couldnt stop. I used to chew up the inside of my mouth. It was so gross. I have scars in my mouth and I used to have to use a pacifier to prevent it.' I said laughing.

'When was the last time you did drugs?' He asked. He really did seem like he cared. It made me feel safe and cared about.

'Well, um, dont tell Sirius about this, but i took molly yesterday morning. When you picked us up yesterday I was pinging. I'm pretty sure the insides of my mouth is still bleeding.' I said trying to make light of a dark situation. 'I've also just realised that I could call the aurors on my parents for having drugs in their possession.' I said and he roared with laughter.

'You do know that you could die by smoking and doing all these drugs' he said to me

'I'm fully aware but as ive always said, 40 years of a good life is better than 80 years of a shit one.' I replied.

(5th February 2021)

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