28: we dont know yet, mr potter.

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james' pov:

I finally sobered up and decided to go back to hogwarts and i miss reggie. i was just walking around when i saw remus and sirius frantically  running around, kids in hand, with blood soaked shirts, looking as though they were looking for something.. or more someone .

"guys, what the fuck is going on?!" i yelled.

"hospital wing now. reggie. blood. wrists. cut. go!" was all sirius could say

I joined them in running , I could feel my lungs starting to burn but I didn't stop. I ran as fast as I could, losing Remus and Sirius in the process.

I fell through the big doors of the hospital wing and my heart fell to my feet. I saw Minnie, dumbledoor and poppy stood around my boys limp body and the sight didn't look promising.

"How is he?" I managed to breathe out, just loud enough to be heard.

"We don't know yet, mr potter." Poppy said.

I heard my heart shatter in my ribs. I fell to the ground , I couldn't physically stay up any longer. That's when Remus and Sirius walked in.

"Please, poppy, you can save him? You can! I need him." I cried on the floor.

"Daddy.?" I heard Paris-marie say. I then heard the tiny pitter patter of her feet running towards me.

She then wrapped her arms around me and sat in my lap as I cried.

"You shouldn't be here, love. Papa isn't very well. It's scary for a tiny human like yourself" I whispered in her ear

She just giggled and muttered something about papa, daddy and going back to nanny's.

"He'll be okay , right?" Sirius said interrupting our moment.

"Hard to tell. He will definitely recover but it could leave permanent damage. If you had found him any later I wouldn't have been able to let him recover."

"Oh thank god." Me and Sirius said in synch, to which everyone laughed.

"Alright, it's almost past curfew now, off to your dorms, boys and babies" Minnie said , with a slight laugh in her voice.

"Can you take Paris-Marie please? I'm gunna stay here" I asked Remus.

"Yea of course, mate, just try to get some rest, yea?" He replied.

"No promises. Look, I'm so sorry about how I was these past 3 months."

"Really, mate, it's okay, we all struggle under traumatic events, just try not to do it this time. And please don't stress it now, we have bigger things to worry about" Sirius replied

"Goodnight, lads." I said.

"See ya tomorrow, wanker" they both replied at the same time, making us all laugh, as much as we could considering the circumstances.

A/N I'm back

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