21: visiting nanny.

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Regulus' pov:
We're still waiting for the boys to make it up to us and they graduate in 3 months. Right now, we have a week off school and we heard that Sirius and james are staying at school. Me and remus decided to go see James' parents.

We're just getting onto the Hogwarts Express when paris started crying that she wanted her daddy (James). She has seen him but she hasn't spent the day with him for almost 2 months.

'Paris-Marie, baby, I promise we'll see him soon if he can sort himself out. I love you and daddy loves you too.' I said, kissing her head then re-adjusting her head band.

'This is gonna be a long week.' Remus said to me.

'Got that right. Wait till we have to explain to euphemia and fleamont why we're here but their son isnt.' I said.

'Shit, we didnt think about that, did we?'


'What are we gonna say?'

'Ummm, maybe say that they got sick and we didnt want the kids to get sick?' I asked.

'Yeah, that's not a bad idea. I'll owl the other 2 to go along with it.'


On the train, remus owled james and Sirius saying:

James and Sirius,

We've taken the kids to James' parents for the week. We're going to tell them you're sick, go along with it.

Fuck you,
Remus and Regulus.

I think that its completely acceptable given the circumstances. I hope they're crying right now. That's the most communication they've had from us in weeks.

I really dont like them at the moment.

We get off the train and see James' parents.

'Hiya.' Euphemia said, taking Paris-Marie from me. Fleamont took Tate from Remus.

'Where are the other 2?' Fleamont asked.

'Oh, they got sick last minute and we didnt want you to miss out on seeing the kids so they stayed at school. Sorry you didnt get to see them.' We said. We stayed the week and the kids had fun.

On Friday me and remus both got a letter each. Gee, I wonder who that could be from.

To reg,

I am so sorry, baby. I love you and miss you so much. I miss Paris-Marie. I miss sleeping next to you. We havent spoken in about 2 months. I miss our cuddles. I miss our talks when I get out of detention. I miss everything about you. I didnt mean to hurt you. Those girls meant nothing, you know I'm gay. I love you soo much. Please come back to me.

I love you,
James. Xx

I looked up at remus who appeared to have had the same letter from Sirius.

'What are we saying?' He asked me.

'Surely we've all suffered enough, I mean even Paris-Marie wants to see him again.'

'How about we freeze them out for one more week then after that, we ask them on a date as if we've never met them before?' He asks.

'Let's do it.'

A/N hiiiii, I havent updated this much and I think I might finish it soon BUT not before they get married. >:)) anyway, I've started writing 2 new stories too. They're both on this account. Love you all. Xx

(16th February 2021)

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