Chapter 13 | The man with two faces

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     "No, it can't be you!" Ally said as she clutched her arm and stared at the Professor in front of the mirror he turned around.

     "It can't be... Snape, he was the one..." Harry stuttered also unable to believe that Professor Quirrell was standing in front of them.

     "Yes," He said and his voice sounded different than his usual whispered stutter, "He does seem the type, doesn't he? Next to me, who would suspect, 'P-p-poor s-stuttering Professor Quirrell?'" he said mockingly.

     "B-but, that day, during the Quidditch Match, Snape tried to kill me," retorted Harry still unable to believe that Snape wasn't involved in some way.

     "No, you idiot boy. I tried to kill you!" Professor Quirrell snapped glaring from Harry to Ally, "And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded." He glared back at Harry who was still clutching his scar, "Even with Snape muttering his little counter-curse."

     "Snape was trying to... save him?" Ally blurted out unable to believe this small note of new information.

     "I knew you two were a danger right from the off," he continued as though he did not hear Ally, "Especially after Halloween."

     Ally's arm stung again and a red scar was growing on her arm, it seemed to grow hotter each time Professor Quirrell's back was turned towards them.

     "Th-then you let the troll in," Harry said.

     "Very good, Mr Potter!" Professor Quirrell said as though they were back in his class answering questions about DADA-questions, "Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled. While everyone was running to the dungeon, he went to the third floor to head me off."

     He looked into the Mirror and began pacing again, "He, of course never trusted me again. He rarely left me alone..." Quirrell continued and when he looked back into the mirror both Harry and Ally winched in pain.

     "I'm never alone, never..." he mused and Ally had a feeling that he was talking more to himself than he did to them, "Now... What does this mirror do? I see what I desire, I see myself holding the stone... But how do I get it?"

     Then a cold raspy voice floated in the air though there wasn't anyone else in the room with them, "Use the boy..." it said and fear flooded Lexi's whole body as she grabbed hold of her brother's arm.

     "Come here, Potter!" Quirrell shouted, "Now!" and with a wave of the wand Ally fell back as though he had shoved her with just the force of his wand, slowly Harry walked closer clearly shaking with fear.

     "Tell me," said Professor Quirrell shoving Harry in front of the mirror, "What do you see?"

     Harry was quiet for a while and gave a silent gasp and Ally felt something large drop into her pocket, Harry caught her eye and slightly shook his head, and she pretended to not know that he had somehow given the stone to her.

     "What is it?" Professor Quirrell barked glaring at Harry, "What do you see?" he demanded glaring at Harry.

     "I-I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore," he lied quickly, "I've won the house cup..."

     "He lies," came that same bodiless cold voice, the hairs on the back of Ally's neck stood pin-pricked.

     "Tell the truth!" Professor Quirrell shouted at Harry, "What do you see?"

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