Chapter 8 | The Troll

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     Harry, Hermione, Ally and Ron were heading back towards the Gryffindor Common Room, after Hermione had shown, them all the twins father's name on a Quidditch plaque. A railing was sliding closed behind them, but they ignored it making their way up the moving staircase.

     "I'm telling you, it's spooky," Ron said after a few seconds of silence, "She knows more about you two, than you do!"

     Harry just shrugged still thinking about his father and the fact that he was about to follow in his footsteps.

     "Who doesn't?" Ally asked sardonically.

     The staircase gave a violent shudder and started moving, Hermione, Ally, Ron and Harry each grabbed hold of the banister to prevent themselves from toppling off from the moving stairs.

     "What's happening?" Harry yelled out, though he knew perfectly well that this was bound to happen, Percy did warn them about the staircases moving.

     "The staircases change, remember?" Hermione said and Harry was quite sure she didn't know how to restrain herself from answering questions, no matter how silly or rhetorical they were.

     The staircase came to a jerking halt, not wanting to wait any longer for it to happen again Harry tapped Ron on his shoulder, "Let's go this way," he suggested leading the way towards a closed door.

     Ron and the others followed, "Before the staircase decides to move again," Ron mumbled.

     "Oh, honestly, Ron," Ally snapped, "They change every day!"

     They all stepped into a spooky dark corridor, but as they walked in deeper a nearby flame popped up as though a magical light switch was activated when they had entered, "Does anyone feel like..." Harry trailed off.

     "-like we shouldn't be here?" Ally finished his sentence for him.

     "We're not supposed to be here!" Hermione whispered urgently, "This is the third floor corridor, It's forbidden." She finished. As they turned to leave the caretakers cat came prowling in, she mewed loudly.

     "It's Filtch's cat!" Ally said warningly.

     "Run!" yelled Ron and they all rushed after him in the opposite direction of Mrs Norris. As they group ran more flames sprung to live giving them away no matter how hard and fast they ran, suddenly a door loomed out and they all rushed towards it.

     Harry tried opening it but it was locked, even though he wish it would just jump open, "It's locked!" he moaned.

     "That's it! We're done for!" Ron replied nervously as he glanced over his shoulder.

     "Oh move over!" Hermione snapped pulling out her wand from her robes, she pushed past Harry and pointed the wand at the door, "Alohomora!" she said and tapped the lock. With a small click it popped open and they all rushed in just in time to hear Filtch's voice where they were standing a few moments ago.

     "Alohomora?" Ron asked incredulous at what Hermione had just done.

     "Standard book of Spells?" Ally asked though she seemed very impressed by what Hermione had just done.

     "Chapter Seven," Hermione replied.

     Pressing his ear against the door Harry listened for when Filch was gone and they could leave the room.

     "...what is it my dear? Someone here?" he mumbled and Harry could heard him close the other door.

     "Let's go." Harry said, "Filch is gone, Probably thinks the door's still locked..." Hermione, Ron and Ally were awfully quiet, not even panting anymore; Harry turned around and looked into the eyes of a monster...

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