Chapter 10 | The Christmas Gift

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     Soon the grounds were covered in white snow, the Herbology classes were cancelled and the four Gryffindors' spent a lot of their time in the library searching for the fellow named Nicholas Flamel.

     They had decided not to ask the librarian about him, afraid that she might know about it or that Snape might over hear. Ally and Harry decided to stay at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays, though they both thought that their Aunt and Uncle was happy to receive word that they were staying.

     The students that were going home were busy leaving, Harry was in the Great Hall with Ron playing wizards chess, it was the same as regular chess though with this it felt like one was sending out troops to battle.

     Hermione approached her bag packed and ready for the train ride back into London, Ally was nowhere to be seen but Harry and Ron thought that she was still in the library searching up about Nicholas Flamel.

     "Knight to E-5," Harry said not looking up as Hermione approached them, the piece moved to the place he had mentioned.

     Ron was silent for a moment in deep thought about his next move, "Queen to E-5," he ordered and she obeyed. She slid over to where Harry's knight was, grabbed her chair and knocked him down.

     "That's totally barbaric!" Hermione gasped.

     "That's wizard's chess," Ron said smugly, he looked at Hermione, "I see you've packed." He stated.

     "I see you haven't." Hermione retorted.

     "Change of plans," Ron said looking back at the game again, "My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

     "Good," Hermione said leaning in to whisper to the two boys, "You can help Harry and Ally then. He's got to go to the library to find Nicholas Flamel."

     "We've looked a hundred times!" Ron moaned.

     "Not in the restricted section," she said and started walking away, "Happy Christmas." And she left the Great Hall.

     "I think we've had a bad influence on her," Ron said absentmindedly.


     On Christmas day Harry was still in bed, when Ron's yells woke him from his slumber. He sounded excited and Harry couldn't understand why, it was not as though Ally and he ever got presents.

     "Harry! Aleah! Wake up!" Ron called out excitedly again.

     Deciding that it might be something other than the Christmas spirits Harry raced to the balcony and looked down to where Ron was standing next to a tall tree, he was wearing a sweater with the letter 'R' on it.

     "Happy Christmas Harry," he said looking at Harry and then to Lexi who had exited the girls dormitories, "Happy Christmas Ally!"

     "Happy Christmas Ron," the twins said in unison, "What are you wearing?" Harry asked seeing that it was a hand knitted sweater.

     "Oh, Mum made it for me," he said and his ears turned a bright red, "Looks like you both got one too!" he said handing the twins each a similar wrapped package.

     "We've got presents?" Ally asked confused by this news.

     "Yeah!" Ron said frowning at the lack of delight from Harry and Ally.

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