Chapter 1 | The Birthday Boy

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     Ten years has passed since the morning that Mr. and Mrs. Dursely had opened their front door and found the twins there. Inside the house there was no sign of other children living there except for the Dursely's son, Dudley.

     The Dursely's had taken the twins into their home, but with no major love for them. On this specific morning that our story begins there was cause for celebration - for the Dursley's and not the twins. It was their cousin, Dudley's eleventh birthday.

     There was a loud knocking on the door which was the entrance towards the twins room, "UP! Get up!" Aunt Petunia called as she unlatched the lock on the door; Aleah yawned and stretched herself out kicking her twin in the ribs to wake him up.

     "Ow! Ally you idiot!" Harry moaned as he rubbed at his ribs.

     Ally and her twin brother were now residing in a cupboard under the stairs, a loud thundering overhead made both of them jump in fright but it was only their obnoxious cousin jumping down the staircase causing the spiders to rain down onto them.

     Ally left the cupboard but Harry needing his glasses was not so fortunate, Dudley came barreling down the steps and shoved Harry back into the cupboard causing him to knock his head hard on the stairs underneath.

     Rubbing his head he entered the kitchen to sit down at the table where their large uncle was already drinking some coffee and engrossed in his newspaper. One thing the twins knew never to do was to bother their uncle while he was reading.

     "Oh, here he comes! The birthday boy!" Aunt Petunia cooed as she hugged her son, Ally rolled her eyes as she saw Dudley smirking in pride at all his presents.

     "Happy birthday, Son." Uncle Vernon grunted as he looked up at his chubby son in pride, aunt Petunia catching Ally and Harry ogling at them quickly rounds on the two of them.

     "Why don't you two cook breakfast, and try not to burn anything!" she snapped as she threw a dish towel over her shoulders.

     Harry started preparing some bacon and Aleah grabbed some eggs from the pantry and together they started making breakfast for the three Dursley's and themselves, even if they weren't allowed much.

    "I want everything to be perfect for my Dudleykins special day..." she continued to coo over her son ignoring the twins.

     "Hurry up!" Uncle Vernon snapped irritably, "Bring me more coffee, boy!" he said glaring at Harry, who obliged.

     "Yes, uncle Vernon." He said as he rushed over with the coffee pot.

     Aunt Petunia was now moving Dudley towards the big mountain of presents and his piggy eyes scanned all of them, "How many are there?" he demanded.

     "Thirty-six, counted 'em myself." Uncle Vernon responded.

     "Thirty-six?" Dudley said in utter disbelieve and Ally seeing a tantrum forming before her very eyes; Harry sensing it to also; shoveled down his food listening at the Dursley's, "But last year last year I had Thirty-seven!" he said in a wailing voice.

     "Well, yes, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year..." Uncle Vernon said reassuringly to his son, who would have none of it.

     "I don't care how big they are!" Dudley retorted glaring at his father.

     Aunt Petunia put her arms around Dudley's shoulder and tried to comfort him, "Now, now, now. This is what we're going to do," she said in a soothing voice, "if we go out we'll buy you two more presents! How's that Popkin?"

     Dudley scrunched up his face and started thinking, "Then I'll have –" he seemed to be straining himself.

     "Thirty-eight," Ally answered rolling her eyes at her cousin, but that was a mistake, she should never have said a word, both Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon glared at her and as they got ready to leave for the Zoo they went over to Mrs Figg and asked that she watched Ally while they went to the zoo with Dudley.

     They took Harry with them knowing that without him they were making Ally and Harry miserable. Ally sat down next to Mrs Figg as she allowed her to watch TV in the living room. She had broken her foot when she tripped over one of her cats and Ally was silently happy that for once she didn't have to listen about Mr. Tibbs and the others.

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