Chapter 4 | Wands and Owls

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     They were walking next to the giant man, who had asked that they both call him Hagrid. Harry was clutching his letter in his hands still feeling strange at how at ease he felt with this stranger than they did with the Dursley's.

     "All students must be equipped with... one standard size two pewter cauldron and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad." Ally read aloud. Where would they find all this stuff? Harry thought as he struggled to keep up with Hagrid's large strides.

     As though Ally had read his mind she stopped and stared at Hagrid, "Can we find all this in London?" they were outside a corner shop, it looked grimy and very old.

     "If you know where to go," Hagrid chuckled and they saw the dusty sign turn clean and words were upon it, 'THE LEAKY CAULDRON'  it read.

     They entered the little shop only to discover that it was some kind of pub, people were muttering and music played as they entered with people dressed very oddly and a few who did not even look human.

     "Ah! Hagrid, the usual I presume?" the barkeeper asked upon seeing Hagrid.

     "No thanks, Tom," Hagrid replied, "I'm on official Hogwarts business." He continued proudly putting giant hands on both the twins shoulders, "Just taking the young Potter's here to buy their school supplies."

     "Bless my soul!" The barkeeper, Tom, said loudly causing a few heads to turn, "It's Harry and Aleah Potter." All eyes turned to them and a deafening silence filled the room.

     "Welcome back, Harry Potter! Welcome back, Aleah Potter," a stranger said, he was shaking Harry's hand fanatically.

     A witch came up to them, "Doris Crocford, Miss Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you two at last." She said as she hugged Ally.

     Then a man appeared. He had a turban on his head and as he walked over to the twins he seemed to be nervous, "Harry and Aleah P-Potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you t-two." He stuttered.

     Hagrid seemed to know the man and broke into a large grin, "Hello, Professor." He said, "Harry. Aleah, this is Professor Quirrel. He'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor." he introduced them.

     "Oh! How nice to meet you," Ally said extending her hand towards the Professor, he seemed reluctant to shake hands so Ally dropped her hand looking a bit hurt.

     "F-fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you two need it, e-eh Mr Potter," he said turning his gaze to Harry as his eyes quickly shot up towards his scar.

     "Yes, well, must be going now. Lots ter buy, heh," Hagrid said nervously to the Professor.

     "Good-bye," the twins said in unison as they left through a back door into a small courtyard.

     "You see Harry, Aleah. You're famous!" Hagrid said as he pulled out his umbrella and tapped the brick wall in a clockwise formation.

     "But why are we famous, Hagrid?" Harry asked nervously, "All those people back there, how is it they know who we are?" The bricks started folding away and revealed a busy street behind it, the people in this street wore the same cloaks and hats as the people inside the pub.

     "I'm not sure I'm exactly the right person to tell yeh," Hagrid said anxiously, "Welcome to Diagon Ally!" he said changed the subject cheerfully.


     The twins mouth dropped open as the cobblestone path was leading into a busy ally, it was – for the lack of a better word – Magical! The twins both wished that they had ten more eyes so they could look everywhere at once, but as luck would have it they only had two eyes.

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