Chapter 11 | Dragons, Unicorns and Centaurs

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     Staying true to their word, Harry and Aleah didn't go looking for the mirror again. Hermione returned shortly after the twins encounter with Dumbledore and they told her what had happened and how they did go into the restricted area.

     They were in the library in early January when Hermione came over to their table hurriedly, she was clutching a heavy bounded book in her arms and as she neared the table she thumped it down loudly.

     Jumping out of his seat Harry stared at the book while Ron gawked at Hermione, "I had you looking in the wrong section!" Hermione said as she flopped down next to Lexi, "How could I be so stupid?"

     Harry and Ally shared an amused look before she continued, "I checked this out a few weeks ago for a bit of light reading." And she started to open the book.

     "This is light?" asked Ron skeptically but received an angry glare from Hermione.

     "Of Course! Here it is!" she bent down over the book and read in a loud whisper, "Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!"

     "The what?" Harry and Ron asked simultaneously glancing at each other.

     "Honestly," Hermione asked looking at Harry and Ron in frustration, "Don't you two read?" but before she could continue her argument with them Ally snatched the book and continued to read where she had left off.

     "The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal –"

     "Immortal?" Ron asked absentmindedly.

     "It means you'll never die," Hermione supplied helpfully.

     "I know what it means!" Ron snapped irritably.

"Shh!" Harry said as he noticed Ally's glare.

     "The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday!"

     "That's what Fluffy's guarding on the third floor, that's what's under the trapdoor... the Philosopher's Stone!" Hermione said quickly.

     They all stared at each other knowing that they were right about this.


     Later that evening they snuck out, they weren't supposed to sneak out after dark but they had to go to Hagrid's, they wanted to warn him about Professor Snape wanting to steal the Stone.

     Hermione knocked on Hagrid's door and he answered wearing a silly pink apron and large oven mitts, "Oh, hello." He said sounding preoccupied, "Sorry, don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today." He attempted to close the door in the four Gryffindors' faces.

     "We know about the Philosopher's Stone!" They all called out in unison, Hagrid stopped closing the door.

     "Oh!" and the four children all entered the small hut which was small for Hagrid but large for them, the place was also hot as hell for all of them.

     "We think Snape's trying to steal it," Harry said sitting down at a chair by the table.

     "Blimey, Harry, you're not still on about him, are yeh?" Hagrid asked.

"Hagrid, we know he's after the Stone. We just don't know why." Ron supplied helpfully.

     "Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone! He's not about to steal it!" Hagrid said chuckling at the four Gryffindors' shocked faces.

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