Chapter 2 | Encounter with a Boa

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     Harry enjoyed a ice lolly as he and the Dursley's walked towards the Reptile house at the Zoo, he was trying to stick as far back from the Dursley's as possible. For Harry had mentioned that he had dreamed about a flying motorcycle and this had caused Uncle Vernon to almost crash his new company car.

     Afterwards his Aunt and Uncle had glared at him as though he was mad. Though Harry had to admit, strange things always did seemed to happen near him and Ally.

     Harry sighed thinking of how he missed his twin, it was rather annoying being here when Aleah was most probably looking at photographs of Mrs. Figg's many cats.

     Harry was mad that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had excluded Ally from the trip but then again the twins have learned a long time ago that it was better to keep their mouths shut. Though Ally was mostly in trouble for opening her mouth when she shouldn't.

     The Dursley's stopped in front of an enclosure that had a large snake inside, he was snoozing though Harry thought he looked more bored than sleepy. It wouldn't have surprised him if the snake had died of boredom to be honest.

     "Make it move!" Dudley demanded, and Uncle Vernon rapt his fist against the glass of the enclosure.

     "Move!" Uncle Vernon demanded.

     Dudley smacked the glass harder than his father did, "MOVE!"  he also demanded.

     "He's sleeping," Harry said looking at his cousin, Dudley stared back at Harry as though he wanted to say something.

     "He's boring," Dudley finally said and he walked off to the next enclosure followed by his parents, Harry stayed and stared at the snake feeling horrible for its part.

     "Sorry about him. He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day, having people press their butt ugly faces in on you." Harry said apologetically to the snake.

     Something weird then happened, like it always did whenever Ally or Harry felt a strong emotion, the snake lifted his head and stared at Harry, as though he could hear what he was saying.

     Harry quickly look around to see if anyone was watching and returned his attention back to the snake, "Can you hear me?" he asked the snake in a soft whisper.

     The snake gave a curt nod in response, well Harry was overwhelmed and totally shocked, wishing that his twin could see this. Ally had a major dislike for snakes, but she would've loved seeing this, because how many times were you going to find a snake that nodded his head as though in conversation with you?

     "It's just... I've never talked to a snake before. Do you... I mean... do you talk to people often?" Harry asked the snake curiously.

     The snake shook his head.

     "You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there, do you miss your family?" he asked knowing that if someone looked over they'd think he was insane but it didn't bother him at all.

     The snake jabbed his tail at the sign next to his enclosure, "BRED IN CAPTIVITY" Harry read, he then looked back at the snake.

     "I see that's me and Aleah as well... we never knew our parents." Harry replied as though the snake had asked him about his own family.

     A shriek behind Harry startled him and Dudley shoved him away from the enclosure of the Boa, "Mommy, dad, come quick you won't believe what this snake is doing!" he called out to his parents.

     Harry sat up and glared at his cousin angrily as Dudley pressed his face up into the glass of the enclosure, and then he fell forwards into the pool of water inside the enclosure, the glass had vanished!

     The Boa uncoiled from his exhibit and glided from the now open glass as Dudley sat motionless watching the snake go by, when his whole body was outside the exhibit he stopped in front of Harry and clearly hissed, "Thankssss,"

     "No... no, problem," Harry responded feeling slightly shocked at this development, the snake started off snapping playfully at people as he escaped from the reptile house. There was commotion as people tried to flee from the snake.

     A sudden pounding broke Harry's attention back to the enclosure, "Mum! MUMMY!" Dudley yelled as he pounded on the glass of the enclosure, he was stuck inside.

     Aunt Petunia saw him and screamed, "My darling boy! How did you get in there? Are you alone? Are there any snakes in there! Oh Vernon!" she rambled.

     Harry started laughing as he thought again about how Lexi would have enjoyed this, but when he caught his Uncle staring at him accusingly Harry knew that he was in big trouble. Very big  trouble indeed.


     Aleah didn't know what happened at the zoo but when her Aunt and Uncle stopped in their driveway she headed back over only to see her Aunt covering her cousin in a blanket leading him into the house, "It's alright, it's alright," she cooed at him.

     Uncle Vernon was dragging Harry out of the car by his ear, his face purple with anger. Running up behind them she saw Uncle Vernon shoving Harry against the wall near their 'room'.

     "What happened?" he demanded angrily grabbing hold of Harry's hair.

     "I swear I don't know! One minute the glass was there and the next it was gone! It was like magic!" Harry whimpered and Uncle Vernon scoffed angrily, he shoved Harry into the cupboard.

     "There's no such thing as magic!" he retorted and locked Harry into the closet, "You girl!" he said pointing his fat finger at Ally, "You stay away from him, you hear? I've had enough of the both of you!"

     Nodding Ally went back into the garden and sat down wondering what had happened at the zoo with Harry and Dudley. Odd things were always happening around them, and though they never knew why it always seemed to enrage their Aunt and Uncle.

     Ally sat on the grass and enjoyed the sun on her skin knowing that tonight she'd be sleeping in the kitchen until Uncle Vernon decided to let Harry out of the closet under the stairs, at least like this she could sneak him some food while everyone was sleeping.

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