Chapter 5 | The Hogwarts Express

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     It was finally September first, and the whole time that the twins were at home their Aunt and Uncle had ignored them. This might seem like a raw deal but not being the punching bags was actually way better like this. Dudley was now to afraid of Harry and Aleah to even come close to either of them. His parents had to convince him to even eat in the same room as them.

     Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia drove them to King's Cross Station, they were heading into London to get Dudley's tail removed. It had almost taken them a hour to convince Dudley to sit next to Ally as he was still clearly frightened by the sight of either of the twins.

     The twins got out of the car and headed inside where Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia left them alone, they drove off and to the twins utter shock they saw that they were still laughing their heads off at leaving them there.

     Harry took his ticket out, "Platform 9 ¾? This can't be right, can it?" he asked staring at Ally; she shrugged and walked all the way towards platform nine and ten. Just then a train master went by.

     "Excuse me! Excuse me!" Harry called out bravely to the man, he came over to them and looked at their luggage and they knew the sight of the two owls was probably one to many for him.

     "Excuse me sir? Can you tell us where we can find Platform 9 ¾?" Harry asked forcing the train master to focus on them and not their two snoozing owls.

     "Platform 9 ¾ ? Think your funny do yah?" he said angrily, and moved on to help other people about the platform.

     Then they both heard a familiar word, 'Muggle'.

     A plump woman with red hair walked pass them followed closely by a little red-headed girl and four red-headed boys, "It's the same, year after year!" she fumed in a carrying voice, "Always packed with muggles, of course."

     "Muggles?" Harry whispered and they both followed close behind the group of red-headed children.

     "Okay, come on Percy." The mother said and the tallest of the boys came out and turned towards platform nine and ten, he began pacing towards the solid brick wall and then he was gone, as though he disappeared into thin air.

     "Fred, you next." The mother said pointing at one of the other boys, who were both clearly also twins just like Harry and Ally were.

     "He's not Fred I am!" the identical brother said.

     "Honestly woman! You call yourself our mother!" The other boy said with indignation as he stared at his mother.

     "Oh, I'm sorry George!" The mother apologized shaking her head.

     "I'm only joking I am Fred!" the first twin said and he started to run towards the platform and he too disappeared into thin air closely followed by the boy they now knew to be George.

      "Excuse me!" Harry said pushing his cart towards the woman and her two remaining children, "C-can you tell us h-how to..."

     "How to get on the platform dear?" she finished his sentence for him looking between Ally and Harry, "Yes, not to worry dearies. It's Ron's first time at Hogwarts too." The last red-haired boy smiled meekly at them, "Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10, best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous."

     Harry thanked the lady and took a run at the wall and he too disappeared into thin air, Ally followed close by thanking the kind lady too, and when she neared the wall she fell sideways. She was now on another station filled with mewing cats, and hooting owls and a giant red steam engine with the words, 'The Hogwarts Express' painted on the train.

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