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'Is something wrong?' Emilio clears his throat before speaking. My eyes darted between the two of them. Emma seemed as if she had walked in on her real boyfriend. Emilio was still close to me, so I didn't feel too nervous but that didn't change the fact that not knowing what Emma was thinking was making my heart race faster by the second.

'I... was just looking for you.' She quietly says before leaving the room. As much as I didn't like Emma, I couldn't help but feel bad. The way her face froze at the sight of us made me think this was wrong... once again.

Emilio turns back to me, ready to carry on where we left off, but I stop him.

'Look... We can't do this. Didn't you see her face? She was clearly upset...' I explain to him as I look through the small gap between my blinds, making sure no one was watching.

'So? She's not mine. You are.' He states before leaning in once again. I put my hands to his chest, blocking him from getting any closer.

'I'm being serious, Emilio. I still have a fiancé at home, whether he's loyal to me or not, I'm still engaged.' I answer as I feel him tensing up again. He stares down at me for a few seconds, not saying a word. My hand rested on his arm as I waited for his response.

'It's like you look for ways to fucking push me away!' He explodes, this time walking out of my office and not turning back.


The next day I came into work, hoping that maybe drama won't come my way but seeing how my life is going right now, I can't make any promises.

As soon as Maria sees me walk into the office, her mouth drops open and she runs towards me.

'I swear to God, you better tell me something believable this time.' She runs after me, all the way into my office. Honestly I was starting to feel drained. I kept pushing away the one good thing in my life, but that doesn't change the fact that the timing of it all wasn't right.

'You wanna know?' I ask, as I lay out the files in my hand.

'YES!' She yells out eagerly.

'Sebastian cheated on me, maybe with Emma but I'm not sure yet. Emilio might be the only decent thing in my life right now but I keep pushing him away because it's just messy. And yes, I think I like him... a lot. And I've got a wedding in 4 months with a man I'm not even sure if I still love.' I explode, barely looking at Maria during my outburst.

'That fucking...' She mutters, not knowing what to say.

'It's fine. You don't have to say anything. Just don't tell anyone.' I assure her as I start typing on my keyboard.

'Are you gonna leave him...? Does he know you know?' She questions curiously.

'I'm not sure yet... and no, he doesn't know yet.'

'Are you willing to forgive that bastard?'

'I mean... I know there's a part of me that still cares for him. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to trust him the same.' I express, exhaling tiredly.

Maria pulls her chair beside me and places my head on her shoulder as she runs her hand down my hair. Telling someone everything that was going on felt so relieving. I finally got to share what's been burning inside me, and it definitely felt a lot better knowing I wasn't alone in all this.


I spent the rest of my day finishing off any last bits of work I had before packing up to leave for the day. As I reach the door, it hits me on my head just before I could twist the handle.

'Fuck!' I shout at whoever just smashed the door in my face just now.

'I need to talk to you.' Emma comes barging in, pulling my arm back into my office.

'You didn't need to slam the door in my face for that.' I say as I rub my head.

'Listen... Stay. The. Fuck. Away from Emilio. You know that he's my fucking boyfriend.' She threatens me, getting closer with each word.

'The last time I checked, he wasn't your boyfriend.' I shrug her arm off me.

'How desperate are you?' She looks at me in disbelief. I knew how I looked in her eyes right now.

'Desperate? Me? He told me about your publicity bullshit. I've asked him time after time and he's denied it over and over again.' I explain, as she pauses not knowing what to say back. I could see in her face that she was struggling to come up with something to respond with.

'Wait... don't you have a fiancé?' She laughs to herself, thinking she finally got me. And to be honest she did. I couldn't tell her he was cheating on me anyways, so I owe him nothing. I didn't know how to respond...

'I'll take that as a yes. I swear to God, if you don't stay away from Emilio...' She warns as she takes a step closer.

'You're wedding will be over before it even starts.' She whispers into my ear, trying to intimidate me. But then it got to me again. That. Damn. Smell. It was coming from Emma...


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