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Hours pass by before my eyes begin to feel too heavy to stay open. I'd just spent the last few hours sitting at home, leaving countless missed calls for Emilio and still no call back. I hated the idea that he may have the wrong interpretation of all of this, that I intentionally hid the fact because I still felt something for Sebastian. Which was far from the reality of the situation.

I look down at the time on my phone, already deep into the hours of the morning... How long was I supposed to wait?

I was used to his late nights, and I honestly couldn't remember the last time I'd seen him after work since he'd always slip in while I was still asleep. But right now, I was going to push the stubborn urge of sleep aside and wait until he comes home.

I hear the lock of the door easing open, trying to make as little sound as possible, but I still catch onto the noise. I rush to the top of the stairs, my eyes meeting his through the midst of darkness.

It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to mine, probably not expecting to find me awake so late, before he continues into the house.

'Go to sleep, Milan.' He huffs, slipping out of his jacket as he heads for the office.

'No.' I protest, tailing after him, my steps rushed. 'I didn't hide it from you on purpose. I just forgot about it.'

'You forgot about seeing your ex fiancé...? That's hard to believe.' He snarls, falling into the couch with his back towards me.

'I'm not lying... You're acting like I just kissed the guy-'

'How do I know you didn't?' He looks over his shoulder, giving me a look of doubt.

'You think I would do that to you?' I was taken aback by the hesitation on his face, shocked that he would think so little of me.

'You hid it from me, didn't you?' He reminds, avoiding my question completely.

'I didn't hide it, Emilio!' I repeat, irritated by the calm yet harsh tone of his.

Moments of tranquility fill the void in the room, neither of us making an effort to break it at first.

'I'll sleep in the guest room tonight.' He states plainly, not bothering to look in my direction at all.

'Do what you fucking want.' I give up, yanking the door open as I lead myself up the flight of stairs. If he wanted to overthink the whole situation and even go as far as to doubt me on top of this all, then so be it.

I drop into the bed, restlessly rolling around as I try to fall asleep, but any ounce of tiredness left in me had vanished after my conversation with Emilio.

I face the empty space besides me, sighing as I step out of the bed once again. There was no way I was going to drift to sleep any time soon without putting an end to all this.

I leave the bedroom once again, the thought of making things right between Emilio and I in mind as I hear his voice from the office.

'Is he talking to someone?' I question myself in thought, approaching the door as I stop mid way from opening it.

'I need to see you tomorrow... I'm just pissed off... Okay, bye.' I pick on a few comments, barely being able to make out the whole conversation through his intentionally hushed voice.

I take a step back, one thing and one thing only coming into mind as I hear those words from him. Was he talking to another girl?

The doors open, Emilio stood without an inch of worry or care on his face. I was still stood close by, not making any effort to hide the fact that I was eavesdropping.

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