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I was with Emilio for the day at his restaurant since I haven't got a chance to see him for almost a week. I was sat up on his desk as he leaned back into his office chair.

'I have a meeting in a few minutes.' He informs me as he sulks his head to side tiredly.

'How long?' I ask him as I look down at my watch.

'Probably half an hour.'

'What am I supposed to do?' I sigh, wanting to spend more time with him.

'As soon as I'm done, I'll be all yours.' He laughs as we both hear a knock on the door behind us.

'They're here, Sir.' His assistant informs him as we both look at each other.

'They're already here?' I whisper, not knowing what to do.

'Fuck, they can't see you. They know Sebastian.' He lets out as he runs his fingers through his hair, not sure what to do either.

We hear another knock at the door, as the handle starts to twist open. I did the first thing that came to mind and hid under his desk. I wasn't sure why I thought that would be a good idea, but they were already in the room.

'Good morning, Mr Estrada.' One of the men greet him as they take a seat opposite to Emilio. I hear the voices of two men, as they went back and forth expressing new ideas and plans with Emilio. I zoned out half way, bored out of my mind. I look up at Emilio, as he spoke in nothing but confidence. Seeing him so serious made me smile... but it also made me want to have a little fun.

I reach up to his thigh, squeezing at it as I slowly move my hand down his leg. He tenses his leg, caught off guard as he slows down his words. He looks down at me for a small second before looking back ahead, a smirk creeping onto his face. And that was all I needed.

I move my hand in between his thighs, squeezing once I'd reached his member. He got caught on his words, messing up what he was about to say. I had to  hold back my laugh, as I paused for a second, but before I could go any further, I hear the two men saying their goodbye's as they left the room.

I get up from under the table with my hand on my mouth, still holding in my laughter. I can't believe I just did that.

'You wanna finish what you started?' He asks sarcastically as he rolls his eyes.

'Gladly.' I answer pushing him back into his seat, getting onto my knees and taking him the way he wanted me to.


'Don't start with me, Sebastian!' I yell, not in the mood for another argument. This was our third argument this week over the stupid guest list.

'Milan, I've asked you so many times to just fucking take her off the guest list!' He retaliates at me with the same level of anger. The thing is, I decided to invite April to our wedding... You know, to add a bit of spice to it all.

'Has she done anything to you personally!? No! So just stop, Sebastian!'

'Milan! If she isn't uninvited by tomorrow then you can fuck this whole wedding!' He walks out of the room, throwing the box he had in his hand across the room. He was definitely agitated by April being at our wedding. But there was no damn way I was not letting her come... I wanted to see her face twitch in anger. How she would react once the video started to play in front of everyone. The embarrassment that would follow her after. I wanted to see it all, not only because of her and Sebastian, but simply because she's a bitch.

'Then fuck getting married!' I scream out to the hallway, hoping he would hear.

'What did you just say?' He walks back into the room, this time much calmer than he was before.

'I'm not taking her off the guest list if you don't have a good enough reason. End of. It's almost as if your trying to hide something. So unless you want me to start being paranoid, I suggest you give me a reason... right now.' I demand as his face visibly fell into a moment of fear. He was struggling to answer the question. After all, I did slightly catch him out.

'Fine, she can come. But that doesn't mean I'm happy about it.' He walks back out of the room again. I can only imagine what was flowing through his mind. His heart was probably on the floor by now. And I loved the feeling of being so close to the revenge I've been wanting so badly.


Since the wedding was so close, Sebastian's parents came over to visit much more often, just to make sure things were running smoothly for the big night. Sebastian's parents weren't the biggest fans of our relationship, for reasons I'm not sure of myself. All I can tell you is that Sebastian's mum could barely look me in the eyes for more than a minute longer, but Sebastian's father has learned to tolerate me overtime.

'Would you guys like anything to eat?' I suggest, as I was heading into the kitchen myself.

'No, it's fine we'll be heading off in a few minutes.' Sebastian's dad answers as he checks his watch, wary of the time.

'Can't you stay for lunch perhaps?' I ask, trying to be as respectful and friendly as possible. Even if they couldn't stand me, I never was too concerned about it since it wasn't unbearable and I thought Sebastian would be worth whatever shit I would get from his parents.

'No, really, it's fine. Maybe next time.' Sebastian's dad suggests, as he gets up out of his seat, giving Sebastian a quick hug as his mother did the same. 'I think we'll head off now.'

We all say our goodbyes before they make their way out of the house.

'That went okay, didn't it?' He was clearly trying to convince me that there was no hard feelings between his parents and I even though I know deep down there was.

'Yeah, I guess...' I awkwardly respond, clearing the glasses and mugs off the table as Sebastian helps me.

'You didn't think so?' He interrogates, really trying to read me. 'No, Sebastian. I don't. Your mum barely looked me in the eyes.' I snap, putting the glasses down onto the counter.

'Don't be like that, baby. I'm sure she didn't mean anything bad by it.' He attempts to reassure me as he puts a hand on my lower back.

'I'm so tired of you trying to tell me it's nothing when it's been happening since the day you introduced me to them. Yes, you could've probably found a girl ten times more successful girl than me, but if they still have a problem with me, after all this time, what do you really expect me to think?' I move away from his hand as I continue washing the dishes, not looking at him as I do.

'I'm sorry you feel like that, baby. But I can't do anything about it...' I sigh, annoyed at his lousy response. But what did I really expect, after all this time, he still hasn't defended me once to his parents and I'm sure he wouldn't anytime soon.

Maybe getting married was actually the worst possible thing to do for the two of us all along...

'Ugh, whatever Sebastian. Just don't ask me next time, please.'


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