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Ever since Emilio mentioned revenge, I couldn't get the idea out of my mind. The emotional roller coaster Sebastian has put me through these last couple of months was unforgivable. I was plotting new ways that I could finally give Sebastian what he deserved, but nothing felt like it was good enough. I was going over to meet Emilio tonight, since he asked me to come over. I didn't know what for though, but either way I really didn't care as long as I got to see him.

As I approach the door of Emilio's house, a beautiful women opens the door, letting me in. She was honestly stunning. Way too stunning for Emilio to not give her a second look.

I see him sitting on the couch, in his dimly lit front room. His right foot sat on top of his left knee, as he leaned back into the seat with a drink in hand.

I walk over to him, as the lady behind me follows.

'You can go now, Elizabeth.' He smiles at her as she turns a light shade of pink. 'Of course... Sir.' She replies, almost seductively. I looked between the both of them, confused. She leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.

'What was that?' I look at him, waiting for an answer.

'What was what, princesa?' He walks up to me slowly, hypnotising me with each step.

'Why don't you go call Elizabeth in and call her that instead?' I fight back, resisting the urges to fall into his charms.

'Are you jealous?' He asks, lifting up my chin with his finger. I move my face away from his hand.

'I heard how she spoke to you. She's clearly attracted to you.' I complain even more.

'Okay? And I'm attracted to you. What's your point?' He pushes me down onto the couch, falling on top of me as he holds himself up with his hands.

'I saw... the way you smiled at her.' I was slowly getting lost in his eyes, losing control of my own words. He watches me struggle as I speak and grins as if he were satisfied.

'But...' He begins, moving his face closer towards me.

'Do I kiss her like this...' He begins sucking on a spot on my neck before making his way to my lips. He slips his tongue in, tasting me as he kisses me hard but then stops.

'Do I touch her like this...' His hand moves over my breast, along my waist until he reaches my thigh as he rubs the outside of it. His head slowly begins to move down, placing kisses on my inner thigh. Getting closer and closer each time.

I quickly slip away from his grip as he watches me pull my body up. He sits back, with his usual smirk on his face.

'I'll let it go this time, but I better not see you even looking in her direction.' I warn him as he lets out a little laugh.

'So what did you want me to come over for?' I finally ask him, remembering why I came over here in the first place.

'When's the wedding again?' He asks me as his face suddenly turns serious.

'3 months... Why?' Something about him mentioning the wedding felt awkward to me... I don't know why though. Maybe since it was the feeling of sitting here with another man with a wedding 3 months away.

'You planning to stay with him until then?' He ignores my question.

'I don't know...' And I had no idea how I could come up with something perfect before the wedding. Time felt like it was flying by me and there was nothing that could slow it down.

'You mentioned you took pictures of them, right?' He asks, remembering the pictures I took of them the first night I saw them together.

'How about you reveal everything at your own wedding?' He suggests, lifting his brows to see if I was interested.

'You want me to stay with him for the next 3 months?' I question him surprised that he was the one suggesting the idea.

'I can't think of anything better. As much as I hate the idea of you having to spend more time with him alone, I know how bad you want to make him pay... So I'll put up with it.' He elaborates on his idea. His plan was pretty much perfect. I leave him on the day of our wedding... He wanted to abandon the meaning of our engagement so I'll do the same to our marriage.

'What about the picture?' I ask Emilio, not knowing how we would be able to use it.

'We'll display it during the ceremony so everyone can see...' I smile at the idea of it all. Finally getting to see the look on his face when he realised he's messed with the wrong fucking girl.

'Wait, Emilio. Before I forget. Do you recognise this address?' I ask him as I tell him the address where Sebastian went to the first night I caught him. I still remembered it... even now.

'Yeah, it's Emma's.' He shrugs as he gets up to pour himself another glass.

I laugh in disbelief. So was I right all along? He was cheating on me with Emma?

'Why?' He looks back at me. I wasn't sure if I should tell Emilio... Emma was technically a friend of his so how would he react? Would he back out of the plan...?

Fuck it. With or without him, I was going to make Sebastian pay.

'That's where I saw Sebastian kissing her.' I finally let out, observing him as I waited for his response.

'She wouldn't do that... You probably saw another girl near her house.' He defends her, which only angered me.

'Okay? Is it all one big coincidence then?' I let out, not liking the way he so easily cut off the possibility of it being her.

'You just saw them outside her house. That's it. It could be anyone, Milan. You didn't even see her face.' He shakes his head, walking to the opposite side of the room.

'No! It's not just that... I have my reasons for thinking it's her, whether you agree or not.' I get up off the couch before going to collect my things. He seemed unbothered as he took another sip of his drink, just watching me.

'I don't need you to fucking believe me!' I scream, walking over to the door. He still wasn't talking.

'You know what? I don't need you at all.' I finish, before leaving him in the room alone.


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