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'He's unbelievable...' I think out loud as I look into the mirror. 'And this fucking dress is so hard to get out of!' I express as I start to pull at the dress, getting frustrated that the zipper wasn't working.

I begin throwing the pins out of my hair and scattering them across the room. I was starting to get irritated with every possible thing in sight.

'Milan...' His voice calls out to me as he watches me from the bed.

'Shut the fuck up, Emilio.' I say back as I fuss with the zipper even more. Ever since my conversation with Sebastian, I've been anything but calm.

He gets up from his seated position as he walks over to me. Within seconds, the zipper was ripped down the dress as I hear little tears in the process. I looked up at him through the mirror as he looked back at me with a straight face.

'Ugh.' I moan once again, ignoring Emilio's disguised warning to calm the fuck down.

I slip out of the dress eventually, changing into a pair of shorts and an oversized top, tying my hair up into a high bun. I look at Emilio through the mirror again and he was still stood behind me, watching me with the same expressionless face.

'What?' I give him even more attitude, already in a bad mood from my chat with Sebastian. He grabs onto my arm as he spins me to face him.

'You better stop with that shit, Milan.' He warns me as he shuts his lips tightly together in anger. I start to realise what I was doing. I was taking my anger out on the wrong person. I look up at him with his expression still remaining the same. He was still dressed in his outfit from the wedding so I begin to play with his tie, loosening it around his neck.

'Or what?' I pull at the tie, bringing him closer. Our noses were practically touching but that didn't make either of us flinch. We both stood their, challenging each other with our gaze. I tug at his tie once more before pulling the whole thing off in one go.

He grabs onto my hair before pulling my head back, as his face was closely watching me. He takes out the band in my hair, letting my hair flow loosely as he lets go.

We both stare at each other for a few seconds before our hands begin to explore each other once again. He drapes his arms over me as I cling onto him. He pulls me closer to him as he claims my lips, savouring the moment. I finally felt comfortable, free, and right where I was supposed to be.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.


2 years later...

'Milan, come here.' Emilio calls out from upstairs

'What?' I shout out to him as I follow his voice.

'Look at the view...' He points out as I walk up onto the balcony. We decided to start looking at new places to move into for a change of scenario.

'Wow... It's beautiful.' I begin to walk to the edge of the balcony as I gripped onto the edge. The view was honestly stunning. The way the distant lights of the cars and tall buildings stuck out in the darkness of the night sky. The wind blowing against my face so gently it was almost as if it weren't there. It was a view definitely worth appreciating.

Me and Emilio had decided that it would be best to move in together, considering we were with each other almost everyday anyways. So that's exactly what we did.

I feel Emilio's arms wrap around my waist from behind, admiring the view with me. I turn back to Emilio as I place my hands on his face, the wind playing with my hair as it blew past me. I lean into him as he grips my hips tighter, taking me into him.

Everything about this moment felt so peaceful, finally getting to move away from a place I no longer felt comfortable in. Ever since the wedding, I haven't spoken or seen Sebastian, but it didn't change the fact that it still felt awkward walking down the streets and running into people who were at the wedding.

I jumped at the idea to finally move away from it all. I wanted a fresh start. No cheating fiancé, no awkward conversations, no thinking about Sebastian.

But I would be lying if I wasn't the slightest bit curious about where Sebastian had gone. I hadn't bothered to ask anyone, I didn't need anyone getting the wrong impression. I was starting to believe that maybe Sebastian had moved away since I never saw him even in places we were bound to run into each other at least once over the last two years. So either luck was playing on my side or he really did move after it all... I do wish the best for him, and I hope the wedding incident didn't do him too much harm. Looking back at it, I guess it was an 'immature' way to handle things but what's done is done.


I was starting my first day of work at my new job. With the move, I had to start looking for new places to work. It was the one thing I wasn't looking forward too, but I guess moving comes with a cost. My last job felt like home, and ever since April was out of the office, everything was ten times better. News spread like wildfire after the whole cheating scandal came out and I guess whatever she was planning to do with Emma ended before it even started.

I was walking into the huge building, trying to look as confident as possible to leave a good impression. I was wearing a black skirt that just hit my knees with black heels along with a white shirt and black blazer. I wanted to keep it plain since I wasn't sure how everyone really dresses in this office, all I was told was to dress 'professional'.

'Milan, right?' A man asks as I was just about to approach the main desk.

'Yeah... How did you know my name?' I ask warily as I follow behind him.

'You're our the new personal assistant.' He responds, not turning to look back at me but rushing down the hallway. I just follow behind, not sure what else to do.

'Your office.' He informs me as he leads me into a beautiful office with huge windows, letting in the natural beauty of the city. The office was still quite plain but with the white walls and the view, it complimented the room enough. I was slightly confused as to why my office seemed so big, considering I just started at the company. Perhaps it was one of the perks of being a personal assistant.

'Of course, sir.' The man starts speaking into his ear piece and it seemed urgent.

'Could you follow me, please?' He begins walking off again before I got a chance to ask where to. I follow closely behind him. It was only my first day and it feels like I'm already running laps.

'You can go in.' He instructs as he opens the door for me, but this time waiting outside. I walk in, confused but not wanting to seem too annoying for my first day here.

'Milan. That's your name, right?' A man questions me with his back turned, looking through the stack of shelves behind him.

'Yes, Sir.' I say as I wait for him to face me. He grabs onto one of the books on his shelves as he finally turns to face me. I stood there in disbelief, my mouth wide open.



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