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'You coming tonight, right?' Danielle's text reads.

'Yeah, pick me up in an hour.' I quickly text back, rushing upstairs to find something to wear last minute. I may have forgotten about the whole thing until just now.

We both took each other's numbers that day, her agreeing to pick me up at my place so we could head off to a club of her choice together. Since she was picking me up in an hour or so it gave me enough time to get dressed before she was here.

I rummaged through my wardrobe, trying to find something to wear until I stumbled upon a decent nude toned dress which would do for tonight. I also found a matching pair of nude heels, putting them to the side as I add on a few touch's of makeup. Before I knew it, I was ready and apparently just in time as I get a text letting me know she was outside.

I quickly slip into the heels I had placed at the side of the room, making my way down the stairs as I step out of the door.

She rolls her window down, signalling me over with a wave as I walk in the direction of her car.

'Damn... You live here?' She comments, admiring the building behind me as I take my seat.

'Is it that hard to believe?' I playfully raise my brows as I look to her in offence.

'Very.' She smirks, starting the car as I roll my eyes.


'Damn, this place is huge.' I remark as she effortlessly cuts her way through the line to let us both in.

'Haven't you heard of this place yet? It's the only club that's actually gets talked about here.' She informs as she leads me through the crowd, already familiar with the layout of this place.

'Nope. I only moved here a month ago so...' I stretch my lower lip awkwardly, the fact that I have had zero fun over the last month only just hit me.

Apart from Emilio, of course.

'Let's get some drinks first.' She suggests, heading straight to the bar without a second thought in mind.

'And I guess we're getting drinks now...' I trail off behind her, taking a seat besides her once I'd finally caught up.

We order our drinks, spinning our chairs out to the crowd as we wait.

'So what made you decide to move here?' She asks, as her eyes wander through the swarm of people and then back to me.

'I guess a change of environment was needed.' I blandly respond, making sure to leave out every bit of the wedding scandal.

'I think I'm gonna need one of those real soon.' She sighs as her eyes roll to the back of her head. 'My dad is giving me constant headache's at this point.'


'He wants me to take over his business. I honestly couldn't care less about it.' She groans, talking as if she were already fed up with the topic.

'So what do you do instead?'

'I'm a public figure pretty much. I'm like... So famous.' She flicks the hair over her shoulder as she gives me a look of pride. 'I'm just kidding, but I am working my way up.'

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