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I wake up the next morning, nerves flooding my stomach as I remember how Emilio was planning to leave this morning. I approached the door with caution as I hesitantly twisted the knob. But as I peer down the stairs, I notice Emilio by his office, fixing his blazer onto his shoulders as his eyes catch onto mine.

'Good morning...' I mutter from the top of the staircase.

'Are you not gonna' come down?' He smiles, possibly an attempt to not make this whole situation awkward.

But I didn't want this to be anymore awkward than he did. I do just as he says, my feet following the trail of steps one by one until I finally reach him. But before giving him a chance to speak, I let a few words escape my lips first.

'How long are you going to be away for?'

A sigh breaks through his pursed lips as he looks off to the side of the room. 'A few weeks, maybe a month.'

My heart instantly drops after hearing him say he'd be gone for a month.

'That's... So long.' I plainly say, not wanting to seem too disheartened regardless of how I really felt.

'I guess it is...' He shrugs as he straightens his suit. 'But the second you ask me to come back, I'll be here.'

I hold back a smile waiting so desperately to reveal itself with tight lips. Hearing him say he'd drop everything if I'd just asked him to only made me want to stop him from leaving at all. And just as I was about to say something, the sound of car approaching the front of the house becomes known.

'Fuck. Is it time already?' He curses as he looks down to his watch.

'My drivers here. I need to get to the airport in an hour.' He informs, delaying the moment further.

'Then I guess... Have a safe flight.' My words come off as blunt unintentionally, clenching my fists as I realise how I sounded.

'Thanks.' He chuckles, his laugh instantly calming the battle happening inside my head over my stupid choice of words. He seemed to have that effect on me.

'You be safe, beautiful.' He leans closer, placing a small kiss onto my forehead as my eyes shut in response. A kiss that felt so brief made the pit of my stomach twist with butterflies.

'Let me help you with your bags.' I offer, grabbing onto the first bag in sight before he holds onto my wrist.

'It's fine, I've got it.' He tells me as my hand slips away from the luggage. 'You've got a job to get to. Go get ready.'

'I'm not going today.'

'Why not?' He furrows his brows in confusion, knowing I rarely ever missed a day of work.

'I don't feel like it. I might just sit at home all day.' I shrug, as he gives me a shake of his head.

'Here I was thinking it might be something serious.'

'Please, since when have you had to worry about me.' I tilt my head, waiting for an answer.

'You want a list?' He steps forward, his head angled so that he was looking directly below him and at me. My words catch at the back of my throat as I gulp with the sudden closeness. It suddenly felt exactly how it did two years ago when I met him. The unexpected gestures he would make that would make my heart beat a million miles per hour.

The honk of a car brings us both out of it, clearing my throat before stepping away.

'Oh, I've got him mad now.' He rolls his eyes once again, taking hold of his luggage as he makes his way towards the door.

I watch as he opens the door for himself, a luggage in hand and a bag over his shoulder. He steps outside, heading straight for the parked car as the driver makes his way out to help with the bags. This was really it. I wouldn't be seeing him for a whole month after this.

And I couldn't just stand here.

'Wait!' I stop him from entering the car, grabbing hold of him instead. I could sense the shock he felt from the way his chest tensed as my head hit it.

'I'll miss you.' I mutter under my breath, refusing to let him go as I hold on tighter.

'I'll miss you too...' He finally responds to the hug, dropping the bag he once had in his hand as he holds onto me just as tight, one hand behind my head while the other rested on my lower back.

'Sir, we're really late. You might miss you're flight if we don't leave now.' The moment cuts short as the driver warns Emilio. I quickly let go after hearing his words, Emilio barely giving it a second thought, his eyes more focused on me.

'Go! You'll be late.' I push him closer to the car, opening his door as I urge him inside.

'Ok, fine.' He groans, finally giving into the drivers request as he also rushes into his seat. And without wasting a second extra, the car makes its way onto the road.

I walk back into the house, sulking into the cushioned couch with a loud sigh. I was supposed to be going into work this morning, but the last thing I wanted to be doing today was sitting in front of a screen wandering about how Emilio was doing.

I send Zane a quick text, spending little to no time dwelling on whether the text was 'professional' enough or clear enough, I was more concerned with how everything would be like now that Emilio wasn't here. How weird it would feel having an empty space in bed for a month. How quiet the house would be for a whole damn month. And as the seconds pass, I only realise how much I was dreading the next few weeks.

But just as I was about ready to head back upstairs, I hear a knock on the door, my neck snapping in the direction of the sound within seconds. I rush over to the door, expecting one person, and one person only... But instead I was met with three.


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