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I stared at the ceiling, emptily. All I could think about was the man from the club but instead I was next to the one man that I loved but couldn't stay loyal to me. I stopped seeing him as my fiancé the second he put his hands on another girl. I looked over at him as I watched him smile and laugh at the rest of our friends, as if nothing happened.

'Milan?' Catrina calls out to me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

'Yeah, sorry what?' I asked, not knowing what was going on.

'I was just asking why don't you come over and stay at mine tonight? It's gonna be me, you, Amanda and Maria.' She looks between me and Sebastian as she asks. Usually, I'd check with Sebastian if he was okay with me going out but this time things are going to be different.

'Yeah, sure! I can't wait!' I say excitedly, not giving Sebastian another look and walking over to Catrina.

The thing is, me and Sebastian were planning to go see a movie that we've both wanted to see that night. But with me gone he now has a free ticket... And I want to know what he would do with that.


'Yeah, I might be a little late. I just have to pick up a few things before I head over.' I tell Catrina over the phone, knowing what I was really about to do.

I finally got to the movie theatre, put on a pair of shades and a hat so I wasn't too noticeable. I knew the exact movie and time since I was the one who booked the tickets in the first place. And once it was time, I went straight for my target. Not to my surprise, I see Sebastian. But he was alone. I felt relieved somehow even though it doesn't change the fact that he was cheating regardless. And just as I was about to turn around and give up on all of this. I saw her.

Her golden blonde hair, bringing back the memory of the strand I found the other day. She was wearing a body hugging dress, showing every curve as she swayed her hips in Sebastians direction.

'Are you sure she won't know?' She asks once she reaches Sebastian and takes hold of his arm.

'Don't worry baby, she's at her friends house tonight.' He responds. Hearing him call her baby just made my heart sink. That's what he calls me and to hear that I share the name with another female is heartbreaking. I walk out, get into the car, and drive off to Catrina's house.


'What took you so long?' Maria asks as she opens the door to you.

'Sorry, it was traffic.' I lie as I walk into the house, towards the room everybody was in.

'Finally!' Amanda screams as she gets out of her seat, pulling me in for a hug. I laugh lightly before sitting down next to her.

'Girl, I need to ask you something. It's been eating at me.' Maria says eagerly.

'That guy from the club...' She continues, reminding me of the man that's been lingering in my mind for the past few days.

'Umm, I don't know what to tell you. I think we literally exchanged names and he left.' I shrug, trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal but leaving out the part where my heart felt like exploding just thinking back to the night.

'Ohh, yeah. Sorry. Sometimes I forget you're engaged.' She laughs as I return a smile.

'So what you planning on doing tonight?' I ask the others as I set my hat and shades down, forgetting to take them off in the car.

'Wellll... I was thinking we go to the club again... But now I'm not too sure.' Catrina asks looking over at me nervously.

'No! Don't let me ruin the fun. I don't mind going there and the chances I'll see him again are small anyways.' I reassure the group as I see the smile creeping up on all three of their faces.

'Let's get ready then!' Catrina says before we all go into her room to get ready for the night.


We walked straight into the club, as if we owned the place. Remembering every inch of the club from the other night, we headed straight for the dance floor. Dancing to every beat given to us from the music, letting go of all our thoughts and just living in the moment.

Being with these girls have helped divert my mind from the thought of Sebastian cheating on me, and even though they might not know this, they've helped me more than they could imagine. It's probably been around 2 weeks since I've found out and I've been trying to get out more than usual just to avoid being around him. I've probably felt like screaming in his face a couple of times, but managed to stop myself before I got too far. I still didn't have a plan on what to do with the information yet, I honestly think I need to tell someone at least. But it has to be someone I trust. Someone that never liked Sebastian much. Someone that may even hate him.


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(@ miraa.stories )

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