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I went into work that morning, expecting an earful from Maria about where I went off to last night. But instead she asks, 'Are you okay?'

'Yeah, of course. Why?' I look up at her confused by her random question.

'I saw you crying last night... I went to go look for you but you were gone. I was guessing you were with Emilio since I saw him go after you too.' She explains to me as she watches me carefully.

'Oh- Um... I'm fine now.' I respond, remembering the incident at the party.

'Why were you crying? You can talk to me, you know that. ' She sits beside me with both her hands on my shoulders. I knew I could trust Maria, I've known this girl for years and she was one of my closest friend. She's kept my secret so far... There's no harm in telling her the rest. So I told her about what I saw last night. How I thought it was Emma all along but it was actually April. How I ran out like a coward instead of facing the situation. And how I stayed with Emilio for the night...

'April?' She double checks with me.

'Yeah, that's what Sebastian called her.' I confirm waiting to see what she had to say.

'...As in Emma's sister, April?'

'What? Sister!?' I look at her in shock. No wonder they looked so alike... I guess that might explain why they met at Emma's house.

'Yep, apparently April's coming to the office today. There's going to be some meeting about her next perfume launch.' Maria informs me as I look at her curiously.

'Perfume launch? She sells perfume?' I question as this was all news to me.

'She's famous for her perfume. I guess, Emma's helping her out with the launch.' She shrugs.

'Guys! There's an emergency meeting, come on!' Ron screams, alerting the whole office. 'That boy will be the end of me.' Maria sighs as we both laugh, walking to the meeting room.


'I'm expecting two more people, and then we'll get started.' Our team leader informs us as he checks his watch, aware of the time.

Finally, the two people arrive and just as I suspected, it was Emma and April. They walk in, side by side, standing at the front of the meeting room. I watch as April's eyes scan through the rest of the employees until her eyes fall on me. She looks me up and down, holding back a laugh as she clears her throat before starting the meeting.

'Good morning, I hope you guys have had a good week. As I'm starting a new product launch, me and Emma thought a collab would help with both of our sales. I'll pass around samples of the perfume so feel free to give me your honest opinions.' She sweet talks the whole group. I could tell the rest of them were ecstatic about her being here... However I was not. I could feel the random glares she would give me through out the meeting, completely uncalled for.

Once the sample finally reaches me, I take a whiff, seeing if it was worth all the hype the rest of the others were giving it. As soon as I smelt it, all I could do was laugh. Of course, she uses her very own unreleased perfume to spray all over the bedroom. This really was all one big game to her. And I was honestly convinced that this 'collab' was also part of her little scheme.

'Something funny, Ms Celeste?' She calls out to me as everyone's eyes turn towards me.

'The scents quite common, no? I mean, if you want to stand out in the market, you gotta come out with something different.' I answer without any hesitation, passing the sample along. It was the least I could do without completely losing my shit with her. I observe as her face merges with rage and embarrassment.

'I don't see you making anything of your own to be giving me any advice.' She attempts to insult me, her fists clenched tightly.

'You said to feel free to give our honest opinions.' I shrug as I lean back, proud that I finally got to her myself.

As the sample made its way around, and back to April. Her and Emma ran through the basics of their plan and how our department would help. I stayed professional for the remaining on the meeting but as soon as it ended, I wasted no time to get out of there. I couldn't stand to be in the same room as her with her smug face. She seemed way too proud to be the second women, knowing full well that she was.

I hear the clicking of heels behind me before an arm grabs me to stop me. I turn around to see April, still holding onto my wrist. I shake her hand off as I fix my blazer.

'I don't know what you have against me, but if I see that shit you pulled in there ever again, trust me, I'll make you pay.' She threatens me with her finger in my face. She must've thought that she'd have some type of effect on me and that I'd fall to my knees after that. I couldn't stand her. I could already tell she's one of those people that lets the money get to their head. I don't know how Sebastian can tolerate her.

'Really? How?' I respond sarcastically, pushing her hand out of my face.

'Who knows? I heard you're getting married soon, maybe I might just turn up and ruin your happy ever after.' She laughs in my face, thinking that she was the only one who knew what she meant by that.

'It sounds like you're a bit jealous, if you ask me...' I express before walking away towards my office. I wasn't about to stand there and listen to anymore of her shit.

That felt good...


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(@ miraa.stories )

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