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you were fast asleep wrapped in a big soft blanket before you phone started ringing, causing you to get up quickly.

"hello?" you said still waking up from your sleep.

"you better tell them to give it back." sam yelled from the other side of phone, she sounded angry.

"what are you talking about?" you muttered.

"your little cobra kai friends trashed miyagi-do and stole mr miyagis metal of honor." sam said sounding frustrated.

"well i have no idea who did it. but i can help you guys clean up later if you want." you said hearing sam sigh from the other side of the phone.

"i cant i'm going on a date." sam muttered.

"a date?" you asked thinking about miguel instantly, "with who?" you asked with curiosity.

"robby." sam said in a lower voice as if she was trying to hide it.

"oh so you going on a date with the man you told your ex not to worry about that's real great sam." you said feeling yourself get angrier by the second.

"y/n.." sam said in a sad tone from the other side of the phone.

"bye sam." you said quickly before hanging up.

you couldn't believe how she was gonna do that to miguel, so you called him to see if he wanted to hang out.

"morning sleepy beauty" hawk's voice answered
from miguel's phone.

"morning pigeon, can you give miguel his phone back please?" you said hearing people laughing from the other side of the phone.

"hey y/n." miguel said with a laugh.

"you sound excited. what are you doing later?" you asked.

"i'm going on a date with tory." he said, and you just see the smile that's plastered on his face.

"that's great." you said with a smile before he told you he had to go.

you sighed, happy that at least miguel was moving on too. but you knew that you were going to bored as hell today.

it had been about three hours since miguel hung up on you and you were just sitting in your living room watching a tv show while eating ice cream.

but a knock was heard at your door that caused you to groan as you got up and answered the door.

there stood hawk.

"let's go do laser tag." hawk said with a smile.

you thought about it for a while, but ultimately nodded in agreement.

"let me change first." you said as hawk nodded waiting outside.

"you can come in you know." you said with a laugh causing him to laugh too as he sat down on your couch. 

you made your way to your room just putting on a flannel and black jeans with converse.

"i'm ready." you said as you walked out of your room seeing hawk waiting patiently for you.

"wow" he muttered under his breath.

"what? do i look weird." you said looking at your outfit.

"no it's you- i- you look- beautif- gorgeous." he said causing you to smile and laugh at his stuttering.

"cmon let's go m'lady." hawk said linking his arm with yours as he walked you out of your apartment.

the two of you arrived at golf n stuff as hawk paid for entry tickets as the two of you made your way over to mini golf.

you had never seen this type of side of him before, he was being more nervous and laughing a lot with you, and overall having a great time.

but it wasn't until hawk got a message from kyler.

it was weird to him because him and kyler weren't exactly friends at all.

but he saw the message said one attachment and he clicked on it.

and there you were. sitting at down at a table in your uncles diner, just on your phone with a fry at hand.

hawk didn't know what kyler meant by this. but it made him very upset.

"let's go do laser tag now." he said grabbing you by the arm and dragging you to the laser tag place.

you didn't know why his attitude changed but it didn't really matter to you. that's how he was.

it was just you and hawk in there, the lights turned off and colors glowed. you could feel your heart beat fast as you walked around with your fake gun in hand.

you saw a shadow run behind something so you got your gun ready to point before hearing hawk's voice.

"come out come out wherever you are princess." his raspy voice said filling the entire room.

you were on guard even more know, your heart still racing a thousand miles per hour before you felt something grab you from behind.

you felt yourself get pinned against the wall as hawk's face came into view in front of you.

"got you." he muttered before placing his lips on yours catching you completely off guard.

you can tell he was angry by the way he was kissing you, but you kissed back before pulling away.

"you just broke up with moon a week ago." you muttered causing hawk to look at you with sad eyes.

"you don't get it do you?" he said cupping your cheek, "i dated her to get my mind off you. it didn't work obviously, but the way i looked at you was so different from the way i looked at anyone else." he muttered, "i get so mad when i see you hanging out with robby or when kyler talks about you." he said, anger coming back into his voice.

"how do you think i felt when i liked you but you were making out with moon." you said causing him to look at you with confusion in his eyes.

"you gave me this ring, you call me princess but yet you're always went with her." you said, "eli, i like you. i really do, but you need to promise me if this happens i'm not just some rebound." you said.

"of course your not. i always wanted to be with you from the start." he said his raspy voice starting to crack.

"okay." you said with a smile that caused hawk to smile back, "also, if i find out you trashed miyagi-do, or bullied people i'm going to be pissed okay?"

"o-okay." hawk said nodding.

you laughed causing him to laugh to before you got your fake laser gun and shot it at him causing the lights to turn back on.

"got you."


i honestly wasn't going to post this today

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i honestly wasn't going to post this today. but i was so excited to get this chapter out to you guys that i spent my whole lunch break finishing it for you.

thank you so much for all the support, and don't worry. the story isn't over yet :)

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