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"thank you." you smiled at mr larusso before sam quickly came out.

"y/n! i didn't think you were actually gonna come." she smiled.

"well, i have nothing else to do so i thought why not watch sam do karate." you smiled before robby came out too.

"hi i'm robby pretty sure we've met." he said holding his hand out,

"y/n, and yes we have." you smiled.

"so are you gonna join miyagi-do or?" sam asked with pleading eyes,

"sam, i would love to but i'll just be here watching you guys." you said with a side smile.

"well maybe you can pick up a thing or two." mr larusso said with a smile.

you nodded and watched sam and robby practice their karate, or kata as mr larusso called it.

you felt yourself kind of mimicking their movements even though you weren't apart of it. it felt nice and calming to do this type of thing.

but the day was over now, and sam had dropped you off at your apartment.

you saw that eric was fast asleep in the living room so you sneakily walked past him and into your room.

not too long before you heard a knock on your door and you went to answer, before hawk and miguel came running into your apartment.

"shhh" you said pointing towards your uncle as the two of them stood in your living room.

"come with me." you whispered as you walked into your bedroom.

the two boys followed you into your bedroom as miguel sat on your bed comfortably since he's been there before.

hawk looked around your room noticing all the posters on your wall and pictures of you when you were younger.

"what are you guys doing here?" you asked, looking at the clock seeing it was ten at night.

"i've been here before." miguel said holding one of your stuff animals in your lap.

hawk gave him a weird look before looking at you again, "are you gonna join miyagi-do?" hawk said with worry in his eyes.

"what?" you said with confused eyes, "no, how do you even know about that?" you said confused.

hawk pulled out his phone and went through sam's story before seeing a photo of you, sam, and robby and tagged miyagi-do location.

"oh" you muttered,

"so you didn't join right?" miguel said getting up from your bed.

"no, well like i learned stuff. but no i didn't join but i don't wanna be at cobra kai while kreese is there." you said.

miguel and hawk gave a sigh of relief before miguel waved goodbye and left, but hawk stayed there.

"here." hawk said before he walked up to and grabbed both of your hands in his, "you belong to m- cobra kai. and this will remind you of it." he said handing you a ring before leaving.

you felt the silver object in your hand before you looked and saw a ring with a snake on it. you felt your heart warm up at the thought of hawk giving you a gift.

but before you could think much more you heard a knock at your door.

"y/n, why did two teenage boys just leave your room?" your uncle asked.

acid - eli(hawk) x reader Where stories live. Discover now